I'm in the mood to do surveys, so if you like to read these things, then do so now, because who knows when I'll lose interest in them. Also, if there is anything you want to know about me, please don't be afraid to ask. I'll do my best to answer anything you ask me.
Comments that are bolded, apply to me.
1. I have brown eyes.
2. I am going to college in September.
3. I have read all 6 Harry Potter books and can't wait for the 7th.
4. I am entirely in love with surveys and everything about taking them.
5. I have been using LJ for over a year.
6. My favorite color is purple.
7. I am currently wearing something red. (I Never Wear Red)
8. I've been with my s/o for over a year.
9. I don't talk to any of my exes.
10. I have never been married.
11. I graduated from high school.
12. I am not yet old enough to drink but I have anyway.
13. I have never touched any kind of illegal drug.
14. My best friend is male.
15. I have been in a long-distance relationship.
16. Movies, for the most part, do not appeal to me.
17. Music might as well be my boyfriend.
18. I say silly things to make people laugh.
19. I used to be shy.
20. I have had sex with two people.
21. I have decided who I am going to marry. (and I have married her)
22. I detest large weddings.
23. My cousins are a blast.
24. I miss the good old days.
25. My favorite type of music is rock.
26. I have always wanted to have a band of my own.
27. I do well in school and am proud of it.
28. I am lazy.
29. I believe true beauty lies in the spoken word as much as in art if not more so.
30. The resolution on my computer is not 1024 by 768 even though I wish it was.
31. I own a laptop computer.
32. I have more than 5,000 to my name.
33. I have driven a large truck.
34. My car is a piece of shit but I like it anyway. (It's not a piece of sh!t, but its not worth lots, so I highlighted this anyways)
35. I work close to home.
36. My boyfriend/girlfriend is amazing. (Wife)
37. I can't sleep, so this is what I do with my life.
38. I am very picky about my wallet/purse.
39. I like to go shopping with my friends.
40. I am still close with my mother.
41. All four of my grandparents are still alive.
42. My parents are more than 20 years older than I am.
43. I am the oldest child.
44. I am a pisces.
45. I have two siblings.
46. Black looks good on me.
47. I do not wear makeup. (Duh)
48. I prefer boxers to briefs. (Boxer Briefs)
49. I wear short shorts sometimes.
50. Yellow is my favorite color on a car.
51. Mustangs, Corvettes, and Vipers are pretty.
52. I am registered as an Independent.
53. I like historical things.
54. I know alot of random trivia.
55. I work well with others sometimes, but other times I do not.
56. Moodiness sometimes takes over my life.
57. I wallow in self pity sometimes.
58. I am impatient.
59. I am young. (At Heart, if not age)
60. My parents think I can't handle my life without them and they are probably right.
61. I have a cell phone.
62. I know someone's phone number by heart.
63. I remember alot about my first kiss.
64. I already had my sweet sixteen. (that doesn't really work if your a guy)
65. Procrastination is something I have to work on.
66. I really should go to bed now. (I'm at Work)
67. I lie awake sometimes thinking about nothing for hours.
68. Sometimes I really hate my job.
69. I believe in God and I am okay with those who don't.
70. I was religious at one time in my life. (and still am)
71. My father is homophobic.
72. I live in a small town.
73. I like cities.
74. I have never been outside my time zone.
75. I have never visited another country.
76. My parents have gotten into a serious automobile accident.
77. I have caused an automobile accident.
78. I have never been pulled over by a policeman.
79. I believe in fate.
80. I do not believe in love at first sight.
81. I have seen my friends in the past 24 hours.
82. I have posters of my favorite bands on my wall.
83. I am a sports fan.
84. Cheerleading is a sport.
85. I write poetry more often than prose.
86. Typing is easier than writing things down.
87. Pink was once my favorite color.
88. So was black.
89. I have called someone a goth.
90. I believe labels are lame.
91. I detest myspace and the trend it has become. (What's Myspace??)
92. Loose change bothers me.
93. My wallet is black.
94. My A/C is on all the time, except in my car because it's broken. (Don't have A/C)
95. I live in a temperate zone.
96. It was hot here today.
97. I have more than one online journal.
98. Surveys are entirely too much fun for my mental health.
99. I actually liked Chemistry. (didn't take it)
100. I like blue ink better than black ink.
I like these surveys because I don't have to do very much typing....... Bold.... Unbold.... Maybe I'll have to Make one of my own !!