On the topic of the former community known as girl_gamers.

Sep 02, 2010 21:23

Yes, girl_gamers has been deleted. Yes, I was a mod. No, I didn't delete it. Yes, I supported the decision to nuke it. No, it wasn't because of something one self-important asshole said on the intarwebs.  As observed, the mods were rarely present - except to filter through dozens of spam posts a day to approve the one or two "good" posts a day, but hey, that doesn't count, right? So the mods evaluated the current level of off-topic trolling and inactivity vs. the amount of give-a-fuck we had, and decided it wasn't worth it - because, frankly, we are real people, with real lives, jobs, lovers, children, parents, bills and all the joys, pains, and responsibilities that those things entail, and we decided the amount of stress and horseshit we put up with because we're human and have feelings and make mistakes and have our own opinions which may be offensive - it's not worth it.

I'm sure some disagree; hell, many are probably thinking they could do a better job. Feel free. It costs nothing to create a comm on LJ. Get off your ass and put your money where your mouth is. Get it up to 8000 users and do a better job herding cats, if you can. I wish you well, in all seriousness. Personally, I think the comm creator did a helluva job, and most of the people bitching about her don't have the base initiative to make the minimal effort required to create a community to fill the void, much less the courage to expose themselves to that much criticism.

As with everything in life, it's always easier to talk trash instead of take it out. I'm sure there will be a lot more trash-talking about this, and frankly, I don't care. Enjoy the drama - we're done.


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