
Dec 29, 2003 10:43

Hey guys!! you know what? I love my live journal! lol. Alright, well I'm super bored right now, there's nothing to do!! But, tomorrow, I'm going with my youth group to see Lord of the Rings. My youth pastor's already seen it 3 times!! lol. Then, Wednesday, we're gonna go to my pastor's house for our annual New Year's Eve party. And that's always ( Read more... )

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Comments 2

faceinthecrowd_ December 29 2003, 08:52:24 UTC
who's G?


Who's G hawaiianfreshie December 29 2003, 19:52:18 UTC
G is my boyfriend. Don't worry, I'll make an entry telling everybody all about him. Since everyone is so curious! lol. It's all good though.


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