My Shayera…
Could never, ever give up flying.
Loves the wind.
Drinks coffee even though it doesn’t affect her as much as it does most humans.
Is actually not all that fond of donuts.
Wishes she was a better swimmer.
Secretly thinks John Stewart is rather attractive, even though she would never, ever act on said attraction.
Is a killer.
Only feels marginally safer with a gun in her hand.
Wishes she didn’t look so much like her mother.
Will never, ever forgive her family for abandoning her.
Is a very good friend to have, if you can get past her social awkwardness and utter lack of tact.
Has nightmares about Jonesy, and about Viper invading her mind.
Cries after the former, every time.
Dances with wolves.
Talks to birds.
Loves black licorice, dark chocolate, and candied ginger.
Doesn’t want to have her picture taken.
Thinks scars are sexy.
Loves Al Pacino.
Hates snow.
Drives too fast.
Still doesn’t understand why anyone would want to be called “Hawkgirl” when their partner is called “Hawkman”.
Knows she’s considered attractive, and isn’t complaining, even though she thinks it’s kind of silly.
Often relies on her pride to get her through the day.
Sometimes - very, very secretly - wishes she'd died as an infant like her parents intended.
Listens to Billie Holiday when she’s depressed.
Is pro-choice.
Has come to believe in freedom above all things.
Is a hell of a lot more aware of the value of her own freedom than a lot of Americans.
Misses Chop Chop of the Blackhawks.
Likes hockey.
Is claustrophobic.
Is always kind of bemused when people actually like her.
Knows opression, harship, extreme poverty, and the feeling of being born into (and escaping) slavery.
Misses Thanagar, even if it sucked there.
Will always consider herself a Downsider, no matter who her family turns out to be.
Could kick Shiera’s ass, but never stood a chance against Carter.
Has Issues.
Is a certified hardass.
Feels at home wherever Katar is.
Has learned the hard way not to be so impulsive.
Actually likes kids, but can’t relate to them at all.
Lives in fear of inadvertantly causing the death of another person she cares about.
Secretly really wants to start a family someday, but is about 85 percent sure that she can't have children, and also worries about the kind of life any child of hers would have.
Hates waking up alone in the dark.
Hates that the above bothers her.
Can read that playgirl magazine over your shoulder from ten miles up.
Loves Diana and Kendra like sisters and comrades-in-arms.
Has seen a lot of very ugly things, and will think them at any telepaths in the immediate vicinity just to keep them out of her mind (with the exception of Martian Manhunter).
Doesn’t like to talk about her politics.
(yoinked from