Haven't updated in forever, so of course it's mostly contentless...

Aug 03, 2009 03:37

Silly sex survey, ganked from the submissiveblog community. Too lazy to link.

The Ultimate Sex Survey ;) by babeecakes69

What's your name? Hawkwind :D Known on SL as Willow Birman, of late.
Age? 40something
Are you a virgin? bwahahahahahahahaa
Do you remember your first time? Oh, yes. *grins* outdoors, on a boat half-sunk attached to a decrepitating pier, on the river... skyline over his shoulder. SOmeone coudl have been watching....
If you could change your first, would you? Probably not. THo I would have made it less fraught with "holy fuck we didn't even THINK about birth control...." Fortunately, it didn't become an issue.
Favorite Position? Um. Doggy, tho persistent muscle cramping in my thighs makes that mostly not possible anymore :(
Foreplay or Roleplay? There's a difference?
Have you ever had a one night stand? Many!
Do you prefer to make love or f*ck? Do I have to choose?
Do you like kissing during sex? Molten melding delight...
Would you consider yourself loud or quiet? I can be quiet... stop laughing!
Do you moan? I hope so!
Do you like to talk dirty? hmmm. I think I have to defer to my partners on that... if any of them care to mention.
Do you like to have your hair pulled? Yanked like a 12 year old dipping it in a well? No. Gripped, slowly, firmly, at teh base fo my skull, for use as a handle? Ooooooooo....
Do you like to be spanked? Sometimes. Not as a punishment -- too many bad echoes of childhood. And I don't like sting.
How many sexual partners have you had in the last month? RL or Online?
Could you live without sex? Hell no.
Do you like oral sex? Hell yes!
How many times have you had sex in one day? UM. I can't remember. 8 or 10, I think, was my record...
Have you ever had a 3-some? a few. Not nearly enough.
Have you ever been caught in the act? 'Caught' implies that there was somethign wrong with it. Walked in on? Yeah. Cool roommates are cool.
What's your biggest turn on? Single most reliable one? Being interested in me. Second one, that mitigates the first? Being intelligent about it.
Have you ever had sex with someone else in the room? Bwahahahahahhahaaa. With scorecards and everything.
Are you still gonna have sex when you're 70? *blinks confusedly* Assuming I'm still alive...
Have you ever used toys during sex? If by toys you mean dildos, canes, whips, chains, hands, rope, scarves... damn, I can't think of another rhyme. YES. If by toys you mean... Legos and matchbox cars and dolls and such... um. [shifty eyes] Do I have to admit it?
Have you ever tied someone up during sex? Yes.
Have you ever been tied up during sex? OOooh yeah.
Can you remember who gave you the best sex of your life? No one person. Many people. There is no single best.
Can you remember who gave you the worst? Yeah, but it's far enough in my past that it's immaterial.
Do you get down and dirty? What does this mean?
Ever been with someone you regret? Nope.
Are you a scratcher? Sometimes.
Do you like to be on top? In so many ways.... :D
When is the best time of day to have sex? All of them!
When was the last time you had sex? about 12 hours ago...
Where was the last place you had sex? About 4 feet away from me...
Do you remember who it was with? Oh, mean question.
Was it with a person you love? Yes.
How long did it last? Not long enough, and too long (my hip started spasming :( which is why we stopped )
Did they enjoy it? As far as I know...
Did you enjoy it? Until my hip started spasming, yeah.
Do you regret having sex with this person? Not ever.
Longest you've gone without sex? 15 years. the *first* 15.....
Do you like sex? Somebody put these questions in an odd order.....

Have at!
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