I saw Factory Girl.
It definitely needed more Hayden! Heh. I enjoyed the movie, it didn't blow my mind or anything, but it was enjoyable. I don't know anything about Edie Sedgwick and Andy Warhol so I can't make comparisons and look for historical inaccuracies or anything.
I don't believe I've seen any of Sienna's other movies... I thought she gave a great performance here.
The main criticism I have is the script. I guess it would have helped if the movie had been a little longer? Not just to give Hayden more screen time *grin* but because it was a little hard to get past the superficialness. I wanted to care more about the characters than I did.
I enjoyed the 60s-tastic costumes, the whole "sex, drugs, and rock'n'roll" feel was fun. A few scenes made me cringe (I generally like cringing so that's good).
I won't go plop down another $9 to see it again in the theatre unless someone wants to go see it, but I'll buy the dvd when it comes out.
I still have to see The Virgin Suicides even though he's only in that for a short while, I believe? I started watching it once, before I was a Hayden fangirl, and fell asleep. That says nothing against the movie though as I fall asleep watching movies all the time.