
Feb 15, 2008 20:40

***SPOILER ALERT!!!*** Don't read this post if you haven't seen it yet. I hate ruining things for people! Just go see it and come back to this post, 'k? 'k!

As usual I'm not going to do an in-depth review, I'm just going to babble. I already babbled a bit on gizzi1213's nice long review/synopsis post! But it's kind of a tradition now that I post here after seeing a Hayden flick for the first time.

It was a very enjoyable movie that I think will appeal to a mainstream audience, so YAY hopefully that means it will do very well!

Fifteen-year-old David was adorable. I guess Hayden's too old now to get away with playing such a young version of himself. Awww. They could have somehow dubbed in Scott's face from Higher Ground though, yeah? Ha ha - no, okay, so the kid was a pretty good young!Hayden.

I really, really prefer Hayden with longer hair. *le sigh* But still, he was HOT in this movie because... really, when is he not? The end of the Mustafar battle doesn't count. ... Okay, actually it does, because I'm sure he was HOT. Temperature-wise.

Anyone else feel a little cheated on the sex scene? I wasn't expecting much of one with the PG-13 rating but when they started going there I was like "YEAH!" and then "ohhhh done already?"

So, the plot holes. Um... I'm not really sure what the critics are griping about. If *I* can follow a movie, it makes sense. Ha! They had the thing about... I think they called it "jump scars"? Where David was able to follow Griffin - cuz yeah, otherwise how would he know where Griffin jumped to? I suppose the Paladins could have used a bit more fleshing out. We don't know much about them except they're religious freaks.

I fail to see what failing algebra has to do with whether one can be a banker or not. I mean, I suck at math, and I do payroll. Ha! I do my job very well because I have this nifty thing on my desk - an adding machine. Oh, and excel spreadsheets, those come in handy too. If anyone knows specifically how algebra or any higher math helps with being a banker, I'd like to hear it. I guess we're supposed to dismiss that as being a funny moment (because it did work in that sense) and I'm making a big deal over nothing.

I wonder if anyone's going to read this. *babble babble babble*

Samuel L. Jackson was awesome, as always! He is still Mace Windu to me - to all Star Wars fans, yeah? He can't NOT be. He's got that "bad ass motherfucker" persona down pat!

I think I would have liked to see more of the David/Millie romance, but there was just enough in it to make them believable and, of course, to serve the plot towards the end.

I rather liked the ending. Nice and open for the rumored possible trilogy to continue!

It IS kind of hard to babble freely with lots of details because even though I warned for spoilers, I still feel like people might read this who haven't seen it yet and I don't want to ruin it! I'll just continue with some more random things, then.

I LOVED how David moved across the couch to pick up the remote. It's the equivalent of the Force-pull that we've all tried to do when we can't reach the remote! Heeeee!

Mmmmm, Scottish accent. (Griffin, not David!)

I was actually a little confused about the Metallica and Nirvana posters shown. If there is an 8-year gap here, that would put young!David in the year 2000. Maybe 1999. I think of those bands as being popular in MY high school days - early 90s. ??? Doesn't seem like a 15-year-old would be listening to that in 2000. Unless the "present" wasn't necessarily the present? Maybe I missed something.

Dang, movies are getting expensive. $9.50 for a matinee? Jeez louise. And it wasn't the special IMAX auditorium either, it was the regular kind. I swear it didn't cost that much when I saw Cloverfield a month ago.

Okay, that's enough babbling. If I think of more tidbits I shall NINJA-EDIT!
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