Title: Poland and Lithuania, Italy bros and kitties
Author/Artist: Haylerzz (aka Kasy C., Kasandra Callalily)
Character(s) or Pairing(s): Poland and Lithuania, North and South Italy, random kitties
Rating: G
Warnings: total fluff, a tad bit yaoi-ish if you want it to be
Summary: Poland and Lithuania being all cute and buddy like, the Italy
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I had thought Hetalia was pretty obscure too... then I went to Otakon and, Woah there were a ton of cosplayers! http://fc02.deviantart.com/fs48/f/2009/200/a/8/Hetalia_Photoshoot_by_siriuslylostwerewolf.png There were even more at the Saturday shoot. I sold a TON of Hetalia magnets at my art table too. For a series that will likely never be released here, it's the new big thing!
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