Oh hon, it's not just your government, trust me. I was just rooting for them to be above this kinda shit. Just proves that every government, not just the States, is shit. ;)
DAl'yemonaksokev. Akazesh tol'marei. Have a hug. A scottish Hug. Not heard from you in ages.. should really give you a call, Sometime. Soon as IO figure out which number is yours.. Chakara, lahimse. doug.
Ick. An'.. huh. It amuses me immensely that I've met your sister. :p I'd been wondering why your LJ hadn't cropped u pin my friends list in ages - Went all private and didn't have this poor scotsman as a friend no-more. *sniff* I d otrust you remember lil' ol' me? Huh? have a cookie. Chakara, lahimset, doug.
Comments 5
I'm sorry my government is run by evil motherfuckers. :(
i was playing with a psuedo persian blue and i thought of merlin and you :)
Have a hug. A scottish Hug. Not heard from you in ages.. should really give you a call, Sometime. Soon as IO figure out which number is yours..
An'.. huh. It amuses me immensely that I've met your sister. :p I'd been wondering why your LJ hadn't cropped u pin my friends list in ages - Went all private and didn't have this poor scotsman as a friend no-more. *sniff*
I d otrust you remember lil' ol' me? Huh?
have a cookie.
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