Vatheon App

May 27, 2011 23:50

[ Player Name ] : Kaito
[ Personal LJ ] : kaitodoushi
[ Age ] : 25
[ Timezone ] : US Central
[ Other Characters ] :
Alex (mywayofhelping) | Golden Sun
Sango (enduringslayer) | Inuyasha
Ling Yao (onyourtab) | Fullmetal Alchemist
Ahiru (whatthequack) | Princess Tutu

[ Character's Name ] : Sokka
[ Character's Age ] : 15
[ Series ] : Avatar: The Last Airbender
[ Canon Point ] : After Season 3 Episode 15: The Boiling Rock pt. 2

[ History ] :
They TL;DR'd for me.

[ Personality ] :
Meat and sarcasm.

That is, according to Sokka, pretty much his whole identity. While this isn't completely true he does highlight a few important aspects. Sokka is in many ways a typical teenage boy and these particular traits are emphasized in the series. He is incredibly fond of food, especially meat, and if any is available he is usually shown eating it. He has no problem with hunting, especially when they're camping and don't have much to eat. It's not that he doesn't care about animals but that he sees it as the way nature works. He is also incredibly sarcastic and likes to crack bad jokes which usually don't make the others laugh, but when he's away training it is shown that his companions actually appreciate his humor and how he can lighten situations with his remarks. He'll make lots of these comments about things that are going on and sometimes his wisecracks can border on breaking the fourth wall, like calling going to the play about them "wacky, time-wasting nonsense." He is also appreciative of when he finds others funny will laugh loudly or make a remark about needing to remember it.

In the first episode Katara calls him sexist, immature, and nut-brained. He changes a lot through the course of the series, but in part the last two seem to be constant factors. Sokka has a lot of energy and tends to have very over-blown reactions. He can become very enthusiastic about something to the point of miming it while making funny noises which he admits to doing after Katara actually destroys a factory which he had been talking about. It can even go as far as him crying out "SNEAK ATTACK!" during a training session for Aang and not realizing he totally blew his cover until Aang easily stopped him. He's also very proud of his ideas and his jokes but if either don't work the way he wants them to it's a noticeable hit to his pride at some level. When he's upset about something he either becomes clearly frustrated or whines a lot. He can also be incredibly dense and let his own thoughts take over the reality of the situation, such as the aforementioned "sneak attack" and the fact that he habitually says or does something that shows he's forgotten that Toph is blind. He's also quite fond of shopping for things ranging from weapons to bags and will become giddy over it. Despite this he can also get very concerned with being "manly" since, being in the awkward time being childhood and being an adult, he's not quite confident on where he currently fits in. Being a warrior and getting accepted as one by his father and his tribe is a big deal to him, but he's also often seen goofing off with Aang and/or Toph who are both younger than him. Sokka will also talk to animals or inanimate objects as though they can understand him or will respond to him on a regular basis, especially with his boomerang and Momo.

Sokka does have talent as a leader and a fighter as odd as it sounds after all of that. He commonly comes up with their plans of action and they're usually very sound and well thought-out. In more dangerous situations he's very perceptive and can stay calm and strategize on the fly if need be. These are the times when his brilliance, which otherwise might appear to be lacking, really shines through. At one point he was even called "the idea guy" by the others (though he proceeds to complain about it and has no objections to then being called "the complaining guy"). He believes very much in "science and reasoning" to the point that he doesn't always believe in or trust anything supernatural, such as fortune telling even bending toward the beginning.

Being a good warrior has always been very important to Sokka, and while he fortunately does have the intelligence and skills to fulfill this he's not very confident about how he's actually doing in this particular field. He will become noticeably depressed if he thinks he hasn't done a satisfactory job in any aspect of being a soldier. Still, he can remain confident enough in himself to keep going and keep giving instructions to others when he has a plan. He's very fond of and proud of his weapons, especially his boomerang and later the meteorite sword he makes while training with Piandao. Sokka will also not hesitate to confront someone verbally and/or physically if he sees it as necessary.

He seems to be obsessed with time and is constantly pushing everyone to keep moving so they can accomplish their goals. He goes as far as to have a precise schedule down to each minute of the day in the weeks when they're heading to the Fire Nation capitol to invade during the solar eclipse. If he thinks anything is getting thrown off in any way he'll complain about it and then start trying to work out the best way to get back on track.

Sokka can be very paranoid around new people or in potentially dangerous situations. This is not irrational by any means; due to being at war for his entire life and the loss of his mother to the Fire Nation it takes time and usually the right actions for someone to earn his trust. Once someone has proven themself to him, however, he can quickly grow to care for them to various extents. Although he does unofficially stand as the leader of their small group in some ways Sokka is acting more like everyone's older brother which is a role he already had experience in. He is very protective of those he cares about and will act on that concern. This can range from blaming himself for his father's capture and wanting to break him out of prison even though he didn't know where he was being held to telling Suki where she should be sleeping on a high precipice. He does not like feeling like he's failed someone, the most notable example being when Princess Yue gave up her life to become the new moon spirit. Even up to the end of the series it seems to really bother him.

[ Strengths/Weaknesses ] :

- No matter how he may act Sokka is very smart and is good at strategy and figuring things out, up to flying an airship he couldn't have had experience with in the series finale.
- He has good technical skills and is familiar with boats and rope-work. He was also able to build armor for Appa before the eclipse.
- He is very perceptive and can sometimes figure out what happened in a particular area by examining it, like when he realized they were in an area where his father's troops had battled the Fire Nation and could explain how things went.
- Sokka is very good at reading maps and can make them himself if he has to, like during their journey through the Cave of Two Lovers.
- Despite the fact that he's a huge ham when he's putting on an act, people that aren't familiar with him often fully believe it.


- He can't quite help this, but Sokka has horrible luck. If something bad is going to happen, it's going to happen to him. A common example of this is being hit by a bending move that wasn't intended for him and went off-track. He's very aware of this too, like at the beginning of the third season when he says "The universe just loves provin' me wrong, doesn't it?"
- Outside of battles or really serious situations he usually acts very immature.
- Being a teenager, he can get distracted by pretty girls easily and usually makes a complete idiot of himself sooner or later trying to act cool. A good example is when he tries to impress a group of girls performing haiku by making up his own on the spot while they were in Ba Sing Se. Eventually he gets the format wrong and they throw him out.
- Sokka is very proud of his artistic work, be it sculpting or drawing. Unfortunately, he's really bad at it to the point that people usually can't figure out what exactly he's made. At the start of the series finale he makes a sand structure that he says is supposed to be Suki but it's so indistinguishable that Toph says no one would blame Suki if she broke up with him over it.

[ Other Important Facts ] :
Since Sokka does not have any bending abilities, he carries a variety of weapons with him. From the point I took him, his arsenal would consist of a large club, his "space sword", and of course his boomerang.

[ Sample ] :
Sokka was wet. He knew that much as he begrudgingly worked his way back into consciousness. "For the last time Katara, if you're gonna practice your bending so early do it away from me." He blinked a few times, turning to his side and frowning as he felt the cold ground under him.


"What happened to my sleeping bag?"

Sokka sat up and finally got a good look at his surroundings, his mouth hanging wide open. This definitely wasn't the Western Air Temple. He reached for his boomerang (still there, good) and looked around suspiciously. There was no sign of the others or the Fire Nation. There didn't seem to be any sign of anything familiar to him at all, in fact. It looked like a city, kind of like Ba Sing Se, but there weren't many places he had heard of or been to that he could pick from to answer the question of where he was.

"Katara? Aang?" he called, hoping to spy a familiar face amongst these odd looking people. After a few seconds with no response he continued. "...Momo?"

His eyes finally fell on a giant coral-like structure that seemed to be the central point of this area. "Woah..." It was impressive, he couldn't deny that. He wasn't sure what it was exactly but it must be important, at least to the people here.

Wherever "here" was.

And more first person stuff here!

[ Questions? Comments? Concerns? ] : Nope!


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