First best friend: Danielle
First car: 97 Green Ford Escort...poor Frodo...
First crush: Keith...sometime in Elementry
First date: wow...umm...real, Darrin lol
First kiss: Eric...6th grade!
First screen name: kry13stle(mommy picked it, and my password was clarinet!)
First self purchased album: was from BMG...either Ace of Base, Boys II Men, or Faith Hill
First funeral: My Great Grandfathers...the first time I'd seen my Papa cry :(
First pets: My two ducks!
First piercing/tattoo: ears
First musician you remember hearing in your house: wow...something country or classic rock
Last car ride: today on the way home from work
Last kiss: when I left my baby Sunday :(
Last good cry: hmm...probably on the phone with Matt about something
Last movie seen: The Amnytville Horror(the original!!!!)
Last beverage drank: Ginger Ale
Last food consumed: Rosted Potatoes, Brocoli and Cheese Lean Cuisine
Last crush: Matt :)
Last phone call: 'bout 20 minutes ago
last chirp: umm...when I was a bird?
last time showered: last night...I know I'm slacking
Last shoes worn: Nike sneakers
Last cd played: the mix in my car
Last item bought: Slurpee and Lottery Scratch off
Last annoyance: Work
Last disappointment: Right now
Last time wanting to die: haha, yesturday after plasma donation!
Last time scolded: my mother on Monday...I swear...even being an adult
Last shirt worn: my UPS store shirt
Last website visited: besides LJ, CourseCompass
Last word you said: Prayin' for Daylight(i'm singing)
Last song you sang: haha....Prayin' for Daylight, Rascal Flats
What color socks are you wearing? white
What kind/color underwear are you wearing? the ones matt got me...the white with black trim, and open pink heart above the butt
What's under your bed? luggage
What time did you wake up today? 10...don't have class till 12!
Where do you want to go? Home to see my baby
Where are you going to live? funny you should ask...I don't know about Florida
How many kids do you want? hmm...2 or 3
What kind of car(s): Something nice...I really want an old Mustang
Current mood: content
Current music: One More Day..country for those who don't know
Current taste: my dinner
Current hair: pony tail, straight, bangy things
Current clothes: UPS shirt, khakis
Current annoyance(s): finals, MATT!!!!!!!
Current desktop picture: Singing Penguins
Current book: one of my texts
Current color of toenails: black!
Current time: 8:27
Current hate: a certain girl is high on my list
Current love: Matthew I<3U
1. Nervous Habits? chewing finger nails, rocking back and forth
2. Are you double jointed? that's wehn you can like dislocate things, right? No
3. Can you roll your tongue? no...sad
4. Can you raise one eyebrow at a time? haha ya...it's when you know I'm about to attack you
5. Can you blow spit bubbles? haha...no
6. Can you cross your eyes? yep!
7. Tattoos? nopa
8. Piercings and where? ears and belly
9. Do you make your bed daily? can't say that I do
-- LA LA LAND --
What's your sleeping position? on my side, face in pillows, or sprawled out on my back
Even in hot weather do you use a blanket? yep yep...air conditioner silly!
Do you snore? I think so...so matt says
Do you sleepwalk? I did when i was little...I pottied in our chair in the living room!
Do you talk in your sleep? i'm not sure...I don't think so
Do you sleep with stuffed animals? yes...my penguin Ant got me, and my Sweet Dreams bear my babe got me
How about with the light on? I can't
Do you fall asleep with the TV or radio on? nope...just the noise of the fan
Have a crush? yes...he's such a cutie!
Do you like to sneeze? actually it feels good!