Which is better, geek or nerd? Geeking being the name given to some one who shows exceptional skill and ability towards something that most people could care less about, and nerd being some dude that knows too much about nothing. Personally, if I had to choose, I'd choose milkman.
Had an eye appointment yesterday. That sucked like a vacuum. Took a few trips between my doctor and the optical office before I could ctually be seen for a simple visit of death. After the courier service ended, the optricians proceeded to put 5.7 drops of pain in my eyes, a random machine with bright rays of searing pain that literally touched my eye. Can you say, "WTH YOU PERSON???" So ya, then I got passed on to some other dude. This guy appearently presribes things like death, loss of sanity, and lenses. He also had a set of eye drops that totally made me trippy hahahaha.
Those drops lasted all day. After the optical torture house mommy wanted some headphones or something so we went to Best Buy. The big blue building thing outside almost made me fall backwards. As I staggarded inside trying not to lok suspicious to the door guy I proceeded to find the headphones and when I found them I couldn't read all the colorful displays and such because the colors were all seperating. Kiiinda freaky. Needless to say I had mother read the boxes and i told her which sounded good. :-) Puns hehe.
So, I <3 eye drops because they make life painfully hard yet rainbowy!
Has anyone else noticed that AIM has bcome increadibly harder to use? I feel stupid cause I accidentally ignore people because all the IMs end up in one bax so I don't se new ones :-(. My gf made me feel stupid the other day. Well, she actually didn't do anything but I did something that's pretty duh and yeah...luckily it went over her head! hahahaha
Philmo PC is alive again. Well, it didn't die, but it was mortally wounded. I'm actually not sure what exactly brought it to it's knees, but after some pokin' around it's all good. Master Compy's doing well to. Still needs a transplant, but it will live for now :-).
Is it hard to believe that i share a room with my brother? I mean like...? Is that illegal in this state or something? What is this state anyways?
So, today was ok. Didn't do too much outside the Pad, but at least the chairs are not like on my bed anymore...OH! and the lava lamp is like.....everywhere yet contained in the lil' lava glass....I could've swarn it was in the closet today when I was in there....doing stuff (don't ask). I should probably not talk about my closet affairs, huh?