Hey. I dont know how to post privately either. sorry. :) You may have noticed that ive been going through your stuff. I love it. :) I'm so desperate for a Firefly header, would you be wonderful and make one for me? Headers - Need a snazy new header for your LJ? Well I'll make it for you!! Just send me a message (in hazel_icons) with the following information:
Name: _boppo_
Text: Have no place I can be since I found Serenity.
Comments 8
sorry if that's bad =s
Text: using you
Color: white or another colour that will show up on the black
Images: http://i21.photobucket.com/albums/b265/sillyfoxx/normal_wswb292.jpg
Special Brushes/Ect.: some sort of brush under the text?
Other: Can the text be on the black? thanks
Can i be greedy and ask for one more??
Text: "big moments" And also if it looks any good in smaller text could you have "find out who you are" But not if it looks really crap.
Color: whatever looks best
Images: http://i21.photobucket.com/albums/b265/sillyfoxx/normal_BecomingI_718.jpg
Special Brushes/Ect.: not anything sepecic
Thanks in advance!! :)
You may have noticed that ive been going through your stuff. I love it. :)
I'm so desperate for a Firefly header, would you be wonderful and make one for me?
Headers - Need a snazy new header for your LJ? Well I'll make it for you!! Just send me a message (in hazel_icons) with the following information:
Name: _boppo_
Text: Have no place I can be since I found Serenity.
Images: http://still-flying.net/images/heartofgold/index.php?p=heartofgold077.jpg&pg=1
Brushes or other things? *shrug* just make it look snazzy.
Any Special Colors? ummm.. nah. just not pink. :)
Size of any kind? Umm. About the size of the one at my journal now would be great. Or a bit bigger. Whatever. :)
Thankyou so much. :)
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