Wow what a great finale, so thoughts under the cut
I just loved this episode. I think it was that the writers focused on House and where he is at.
I was surprised when House gave Cuddy the book. I assumed he would keep it a while. I'm glad though.
I was blown away by Cuddy's speech to House. It all made sense. It was good for House to get a reality check. His face was heartbreaking.
House and the trapped girl Hannah was interesting to see. I felt like we actually saw House as he really is. He wasn't in the hospital where he can avoid patients, the ducklings and Cuddy. He was in the field helping out and putting his doctor know how to good use.
House finally convincing Hannah to let her leg go even though he promised not to amputate. It was so obviously paralleling his need to stop putting his leg up as a mask against, well, everything. I still think there is more to it than that but admitting it out loud, with Cuddy there after her speech shows some progress and realisation on his part.
When Hannah died, you could see that it was almost the last straw as House had done everything possible and still he couldn't prevent her death (Hinting at his full recover? full life? love? etc etc maybe?)
The last scene was a killer. I was tearing up. House looked so exhausted of everything. The look in the mirror. The smashing of the mirror to where he hid his stash. The whole audience could see this coming yet we still yell at House not to do it.
In walks Cuddy (this was where I wasn't sure if it was a dream cos we didn't hear her arrive) Like the season 5 finale she is his saviour but ahhh I am totally flailing cos she is saying that she loves him and she can't help it. She ended it with Lucus. House looks shocked. OMFG. WHAT IS HAPPENING!?!? I can't help dreading that it is another dream.
House explaining that he is the most screwed up person in the world, naw. Love it. Can they make it work? Only next season will tell.
Loved the kiss and the hand squeeze. Just perfect. Thank you writers. If this is not real I will cut a bitch. lol