Thought this was an interesting little tidbit. I have a feeling it's probably been reported somewhere before. However, on a stange whim with all of the Regulus/Sirius/RAB talk, I looked up the meanings of the two names.
Regulus: brightest star in the constellation Leo; One of the 25 brightest stars in the sky. Its distance from the earth is about 85 light-years. Regulus is a visual triple star. Its name is Latin for “prince.”
source Sirius: A star in the constellation Canis Major, the brightest star in the sky, approximately 8.6 light-years distant from Earth. Also called Dog Star, Sothis.
source These were taken from because I had a hard time finding Regulus on regular name sites. However, the explination for Sirius matches that which was on name sites, so I figured the one for Regulus must be equally accurate. I just felt like maybe this is going to come back in the 7th book and make some connection to R.A.B.'s identity, if they are indeed Regulus, or to the specifications of Sirius's death.
I just always thought it was odd that what the archway and veil actually were, was never fully explained. Or what's behind it etc. It was left very open-ended, and when things like that have happened in the past, they tend to come back with a bang, no?
Just some things to think about.