Hello. Just finished. Ah, the anguish.
The next few days will be devoted to rereading HBP, but for now, a few thoughts.
Some things seem so obvious to me, but others remain just out of reach..
How about a nice rant about Draco Malfoy:
I'm falling in love with him. This is a very off thing for me personally to say. I am of Ravenclaw mentality and normally would resent Draco's immaturity and lack of tact. Yet I've known since the Chamber that Draco was/is never going to become his father. And I'm not the only one who thinks so. Read some fanfics, or maybe you're like me and have read so many that sometimes the line between fanfic and canon blurs. Draco is much more often portrayed as ambitious but well-intentioned, than a hardened and accomplished Death Eater. But of course, that is fanfic and neither here nor there. It just reflects the subconscious impression that Draco's actions and words have made on the general fan community.
So back to canon. We have seen, actually seen Draco cry. In front of Harry, even. And it's alluded that he's broken down so multiple times:
"'No,' said Myrtle, her voice echoing loudly around the old tiled bathroom. 'I mean he's sensitive, people bully him too, and he feels lonely and hasn't got anyone to talk to, and he's not afraid to show his feelings and cry!'" (HBP, p. 264, American)
Myrtle is an unbiased party here. She doesn't know about Draco's dark family stigma and she doesnt begrudge him his House. Draco has been confiding in her his feelings, if not his plan. She has made factual, reasonable observations about Draco's personality behind the arrogant, self-assured, and popular facade. I am not going to defend each trait she mentioned, because that would take awhile and you can reason out most of them easily enough anyway.
So Myrtle has observed that Draco is in fact a teenage boy with all accompanying problems (and a few others).
I think we can all agree that Draco spoke only truth to Dumblebore in their last meeting. This enlightens us to a few more facts/suspicions:
1) Draco was acting to save his family, especially his mother. He was not planning Dumbledore's murder for personal enjoyment.
2) Draco stinks at killing people. The cursed necklace and the poisoned mead struck wildly off target.
3) Draco never did perform the Killing Curse, but even if he had attempted it, how sure are we that he could have pulled it off? He is no more worldly than Harry, prehaps less so, and Harry is similarly unable to perform the curse successfully.
4) Draco chose not to kill Dumbledore. He is now condemned in Voldemort's eyes. As good as dead if he's found. And he lowered his wand knowing this.
As Dumbledore himself said, Draco is no killer. No one but Voldemort has been inheritly evil.
Facts about Draco's home life: His sometimes indulgent, but hardly loving father is imprisoned. The family name, shamed. The family wealth, questionable. The invaluable connections held by bearers of the Malfoy name have been severed by contacts who now abhor association with the Malfoys for fear of Voldemort's wrath. ( i.e., Slughorn. That goes for a number of Death Eaters too, I suspect. Exception, Fenrir.) Concerning Narcissa, this is a very dangerous time to be a Death Eater. Draco lives with the constant fear that his mother will not return his next owl. His mother harbors the same fear for Draco, due to his forboding involvement with Voldemort's plans. Her fervor for her only son's safety is clearly demonstrated in Chapter Two.
End result: Draco has very few things to be happy about. He feels school is a complete waste of time. He has no real friends.
Does your heart not go out to this boy?
I mean overall, this kid is royally fucked.
I won't start with my rant on Snape right now, but if you accept that he is no traitor and had his hand forced, then now consider the future. Snape has Draco. He is protecting Draco. Remember, the Dark Lord has never failed to kill someone he said he would (with the extremely obvious exception), and he has blatently stated that he will kill Draco if the boy fails to murder Dumbledore. Nevermind that Voldemort expected Draco to die trying anyway. If Draco is returned to Voldemort, he's done for. I also expect that Snape will follow through with Dumbledore's sincere offer, and place Narcissa in hiding as well.
I'm not going to go fanfic on you and claim that Draco and Harry will join to conquer Voldemort and live happily ever after in their London flat. But I do believe that eventually they will be fighting on the same side.
In conclusion, a good deal of the above are my own interpretations and although I firmly believe in most of them, I'm liable to be wrong about some. Dont flame, and don't speak to me like I'm ten. Otherwise, I love feedback and constructive criticism.
(probably x-posted)