ms_mindfunk Title: Squib
Pairing(s): Harry/Draco (implied Ginny/Other, Hr/RW, Other/Other)
Summary: Harry has a respectable life: devoted to his family, teacher to the least-talented of the Wizarding community, retired hero. The Prophet hasn’t caught on to a few things, such as the fact that Harry is gay. He and Ginny want to keep it that way. It’s not a great life, but it’s his - until one day, an old school rival comes by to investigate his class. Suddenly, Harry’s life is no longer predictable.
Rating: NC-18, maybe.
Disclaimer: All Harry Potter characters herein are the property of J.K. Rowling and Bloomsbury/Scholastic. No copyright infringement is intended.
Warning(s): None, really, except m/m sex and children who ran off with the plot.
Deathly Hallows compliant?Yes, including epilogue, but only written canon.
Word Count: +/- 52,000
Author's Notes: I tried to put in everything you asked for,
Ms_Mindfunk, most particularly H/D as parents and a long, plotty story. It’s the length that got me into trouble - I very much fear I have earned the criticisms you made of DH! I played safe and stayed with canon. But there is a mystery, Harry as teacher and parent, Draco not a superQueen (or any kind). And kids. Who stole the plot, sorry. The prompts were a real, real challenge, especially with the mystery, so I sort of . . . er, finessed that part, and you got only the flowers. Obscene amounts of thanks to my betas, S & N, particularly S, who really deserves partial credit for much of the story. Thanks also to the mods for all their work. HAPPY BIRTHDAY,
Squib )