Title: Quite the Pair
talekayler Rating: PG
Word Count: 100 x 2
Summary: Between the two of them, there is quite the collection.
Challenge: Written for
hd100 ’s prompt of “Scar” and
dracoharry100 ’s prompt #194 “Together”.
A/N: All mistakes are my own!
Harry has a lot of scars.
He has the burn marks from escaping the fiendfyre, and also from the Gringotts break-in.
He has the circular one on his chest from the locket.
He doesn’t feel as if the scars from the graveyard, or the Chamber for that matter, have fully healed. Though there may no longer be a mark, he still knows they are there.
But the one people always stare at is the one on his forehead, the most public one.
What they don’t consider is that Harry has emotional scars, too.
But Draco knows.
And that’s what counts.
Draco believes that Harry’s scars tell his past. He knows that each one holds a significant power over Harry.
Which is why every time they meet, he is always sure to pay attention to them, lavish them with his tongue. He believes that, if he tries hard enough, he can replace the horrible memories Harry has connected them with to memories of the two of them, and their times together.
What he doesn’t know is that Harry has already forgotten the dark overtures of his scars.
But Harry makes it known to him.
He gets rid of Draco’s scars, too.