Just wanted to let you guys know that the server isn't working properly. Every time I click the link a search browser keeps coming up. It may only be happening on my computer but I thought you should know just in case.
Thanks for the info. I'll be contacting the girl hosting DM, however she's been impossible to reach lately. If her domain stays down permanently I'll see if I can't get the site up somewhere else, as an archive at least.
Repeating animelvr77's post - well, just letting you know, really, that I love the Darkest Magic site, and often refer to it when I look for good fic. I was quite saddened when I saw it down. If there's anything I can do, let me know.
Thank you, that's very kind. I hope I'll get it back up soon, but as I said the girl that was hosting the site seems to no have deleted/discontinued her domain. In short I don't actually have a domain where to put the site, but I'll maybe make an LJ post here and someone has a bit of space on theirs ;)
i love darkest magic and always refer to it to get to the really good stuff in the h/d fandom. i hope that the site can be restored soon. similarly, if there is anything i can do to help, let me know.
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