Title - Burn
Author -
MyrddinRating - PG [Mild Language]
Word Count - 192
Disclaimer - I am not the Dealer. Nor am I selling.
Draco sat in the stands and watched Harry fly around with that smug smile plastered across his face.
He was so confident that he could train the dragons.
One minor victory over the Hungarian Horntail and Potter thought he was invincible.
The bits of dirt and blood that marred his cheeks made Potter look strangely attractive.
Draco hoped that the dragon would agree and gobble Harry up in one noisy mouthful.
He imagined Harry's bones shattering like glass and the broom snapping into a million splinters, inside the dragons gullet, piercing and scratching.
His luck, the Dragon would shit Potter back out whole and unmarred.
Someone would proclaim it another freak miracle.
They would later find that being digested by a dragon made one flame retardant.
Snape would relish sending thousands of Gryffindor students to their deaths collecting the stomach acid of live dragons.
Draco smiled.
When the war was over, Draco speculated, a burn proof Harry Potter might have it's uses.
He could tie him up in the dungeons and burn his clothing off, over and over again.
Unnecessary maybe, but Draco enjoyed playing with fire ... and with Harry Potter.