This is just a small token of the mods' appreciation to everyone who has helped us out in this fest -- pinch hitters, proof readers, posting assistants, etc. THANK YOU, and MERRY CHRISTMAS to everyone! (and Hanukkah, too, of course!)
heathen_ursidaeRecipient: H/D Holidays Helpful Helpers :D
Title: Christmas Orange Curse
Pairing(s): Harry/Draco, McGonagall, portrait!Snape, The Fat Lady, Albus Severus, James, Scorpius, two OCs
Summary: Third year transfiguration tragedy! Harry and Draco investigate...more or less...when Harry can stop flirting. Not that they have the authority in the first place.
Rating: PG
Disclaimer: All Harry Potter characters herein are the property of J.K. Rowling and Bloomsbury/Scholastic. No copyright infringement is intended.
Warning(s): naughtty words, heavy image files, William F. Buckley midget doppleganger
Epilogue compliant? yes, mostly
Media: pencil, ink, watercolor, photoshop
Artist's Notes: A huge thank you to my beta, K. I made changes after the last review, so all remaining errors are my own.