fireelemental79Title: Transfixured: Snugs and Slails
Pairing(s): Harry/Draco mainly, Ron/Hermione, Neville/his retinue
Rating: NC-17
Summary: “Well, we had a nice run. It was the strangest of times, but I’ll remember the inanity of it with a wistful fondness. Harry and Draco. Partners, mates. Dancing to silly music in a deserted room. Slugs with benefits. Yes. A nice run. Strange, but nice.”
Warnings: Foul language, sexual references/sex, sexual innuendoes featuring references to slug mating habits, especially the really gross ones.
Total word count: About 37,700.
Original prompt request number: 75 Disclaimer: This story/artwork is based on characters and situations created and owned by JK Rowling, various publishers including but not limited to Bloomsbury Books, Scholastic Books and Raincoast Books, and Warner Bros. Inc. No money is being made and no copyright or trademark infringement is intended.
Author’s notes:
calanthe_fics, I hate to admit it but this fic tried to take over and make itself serious, so it might not be as cracked out as it could be. I promise, if you bear with it, it gets crackier, but the beginning does not want to raise itself up above the lightness of, say, a comedic drama. Sorry if it seems a little uneven. Thanks, of course to my usual beta, who is always patient with me, my brain fogs and my comma crazies. Thanks as well to Dragon Charmer, who Britpicked/betaed and just helped out a lot. I really appreciate it.
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