Title: Four Seasons In One Day
Team: Epilogue
sirra_scribblesPrompt: 4. Never tickle a sleeping dragon.
Rating: PG
Warnings: Many images (97 panels)
Summary: "The Menticuristry Unit of St Mungo's Hospital provides treatment and guidance for witches and wizards of all ages and backgrounds with mental health issues. In addition to comprehensive mental
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Comments 50
Harry made me giggle so much.
I recall coming past your links in the comm and I always couldn't help but think, "Wow, she has so much material!"--I envied the fact that you delivered consistently and of course, this isn't to discount your work because personally, I believe that the plot is very thorough and more than sufficient when it comes to passion (in fact, it oozed of it).
So I hope everyone would go through your work and enjoy; hope they won't be too overwhelmed by it (because it is quite a number) because in the end, it is rewarding.
Good luck! 8D
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