Title: Scars That Never Felt A Wound
Team: EWE
ebilgatolocoPrompt: 8. Episkey heals all wounds.
Wordcount: 5282
Rating: PG-13
Warnings: Strong obscenities, some violence, sort of dark!Harry
Summary: "As wounded men may limp through life, so our war minds may not regain the balance of their thoughts for decades." - Frank Moore Colby
Author's Note:
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Comments 29
Also, I do think Harry's suffering more than anyone knows after the war. They both have a lot of the same skeletons in their closets, and they carry a lot of of the same emotional baggage. You've done a great job of laying out those similarities.
And again, it's very believable. They meet under less-than-ideal circumstances here and there, and it always ends badly until Harry can accept that he's got problems, and that Draco has worked through some of his.
Very nice!!
I do however have to agree with the comment made by one of the posters above. The ending where Harry is leaning in toward Draco leaps too quickly from fighting to kissing, especially since they have such a long negative history between the two and Harry is currently very messed up. Maybe it would have been better to have left Draco holding Harry there on the floor comforting Harry and then fade out the scene. Other than that, I really enjoyed your story :)
I liked the direction the story took and the way you got inside Draco's head and wrote it all down. I wish it had not ended where it did. I can see that it was meant to imply that something would happen between Harry and Draco, but I wanted to see it.
Awesome job. This was well-written and I loved the character insight. And I liked that you ended it before the real H/D set in. It fit the fic well :)
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