Title: Enchantment; Loss
Team: AU
dracofiendPrompt: 23. A snitch in time saves nine hours of Quidditch.
Wordcount: 11,589
Rating: R
Warnings:Implied chan.
Summary: Harry wishes for one thing only.
Author's Note: Mad props to my teammates, especially Captains Joanwilder and Samantha!
Enchantment; Loss )
Comments 97
Voldemort's sudden appearance was completely unexpected, but I already thought it was him at the mention of the 'stranger'. But before that, I didn't expect Voldemort to be involved at all. I loved Harry and Draco's friendship and... yes :) Great job!
I'm glad Voldemort kind of sprang up on you--that was how it was for Harry too, who, as far as he could remember, had never been seriously threatened by Voldemort until bam, he's sitting next to the guy at dinner. I'm curious as to what you found unclear or confusing--and let me say up front that I often find myself writing a bit more opaquely than I'd like! :) If I were to guess, I might say it was the pacing--the jump ahead in years might not be especially, instantly clear--but I'm interested in your thoughts.
Thanks so much for reading and the kind words!
But yes, it was probably better to just hint at Harry/Lucius, considering this is a H/D fest ;)
And yes, it was the jump ahead in years that was a bit confusing. I think I'll have to read the fic again to understand all of it. Still, it was great and I loved it :D
At least from what I can tell, Harry is kind of amazed by Lucius and what kind of person he is, Lucius was using Harry a bait, and Draco was basically jealous for Harry's attention, but you know, ended up getting it at the end.
I like this AU. With Harry and Draco and what they would have been like had they been friends in the beginning. Nice use of the prompt by the way!
Go Team AU! =D
I'm thrilled that Lucius came across that way--through Harry's eyes, he was this new type of person, a new type of man that Harry had never met before. Not petty and disciplinarian, like his aunt and uncle, not kindly but rough-edged, like Hagrid, and not ordinary people with ordinary jobs like the random Muggles he knew (or their wizarding analogues--teachers, etc.). The feeling I think Harry had for Lucius, at first, was maybe something close to reverence--and you know, Lucius is kind to him, in his elegant, warm-but-distant manner. I have to say I'm not decided as to whether Lucius was ultimately using Harry as bait to save himself difficulties in the future (or to catapault him into a more favorable position), although I'm inclined to believe that was his original intention in paying special attention to Harry. After all, a snitch in time, right? :D I'm also glad you read Draco's reactions as jealousy--it was ill-defined, I think because Draco wouldn't have been able to pin it ( ... )
That moment when Draco's first released at GP and sticks his head into Harry's room, I think is the most heartbreaking moment of the story. And at the end when Draco asks if Harry's forgotten, and Harry tells him, how could I-you always remind me? Lovely double-entendre, but I was encouraged that the ache was finally gone, and now Harry sees Draco.
As always, you handle your subject and characters so deftly that the progression is very natural and seamless. Beautiful word craft and writing that yield such a stunning overall effect. Just lovely!
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