Title: Veiled Threats
Team: AU
cyane_snapePrompt: 18. "This one time, at Hogwarts..."
Wordcount: 22,369
Rating: NC-17ish
Warnings: Mpreg, misbehaving Veela, dirty words, dirtier sex.
Summary: No one had any idea what had really happened that eventful year, but then there was that one day they all remembered…that one time, at the final battle at Hogwarts when everything changed and Harry and Draco disappeared. According to the authorities, the savior had been kidnapped and the Minister had no other choice than to issue a warrant for the immediate arrest of Draco Malfoy on charges of treason.
Author's Note: None of this would have been possible without my beta, Gavilan the Great. Special thanks to
joanwilder, and
teganscrush for the added 'spark' of inspiration and MajaLi for the coding help.
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