Title: Harry's Little Secret Team: Epilogue Artist: thilia Prompt: 18. "This one time, at Hogwarts..." Rating: PG Warnings: Infidelity Summary: If you only knew...
I've already told you back at the comm that I thought this was wonderful and poignant--the emotions you've managed to convey despite the lack of words were pretty much direct and overwhelming.
I very much like the additional slides, it was very direct but at the same time, a lot of things were left unsaid for people to fill the gaps with their own inference.
What I love most is that you somehow chose to focus on a certain colour on each slide--that made a whole lot of difference, it made it more vivid. I wish I could tell you how but other than artistic taste and the emotions conveyed, well, it's just beautiful.
I'm glad you think I managed to capture the emotions; I thought I couldn't do it without the text I had at first. But I guess it worked after all.
I wasn't sure if I should use any colour at all, but I wanted to have a bit of a Sin City style... I'm not sure it worked exactly how I wanted it to, but it looks okay, I guess :D
Yay you indeed! :D I managed to catch up a little but I still have some huge fics to read. But I'll get there :D
Also, I'm going to friend you. Meant to do that when I first read your fic, but then I forgot :D
At first there was more text but unfortunately I had to edit some of it because there was too much. I wasn't sure about adding the colour either, so I'm glad you like that :)
Comments 70
I very much like the additional slides, it was very direct but at the same time, a lot of things were left unsaid for people to fill the gaps with their own inference.
What I love most is that you somehow chose to focus on a certain colour on each slide--that made a whole lot of difference, it made it more vivid. I wish I could tell you how but other than artistic taste and the emotions conveyed, well, it's just beautiful.
Also yay me, catching up on worldcup! <3
I'm glad you think I managed to capture the emotions; I thought I couldn't do it without the text I had at first. But I guess it worked after all.
I wasn't sure if I should use any colour at all, but I wanted to have a bit of a Sin City style... I'm not sure it worked exactly how I wanted it to, but it looks okay, I guess :D
Yay you indeed! :D I managed to catch up a little but I still have some huge fics to read. But I'll get there :D
Also, I'm going to friend you. Meant to do that when I first read your fic, but then I forgot :D
Thank you ♥
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Thank you ♥
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