Title: Gamble Everything For Love
Team: AU
incognitoPrompt: 13. Magic is 1% inspiration and 99% incantation.
Wordcount: ~10,500
Rating: PG-13
Warnings: Implied underage.
Summary: When charged with the task of killing Dumbledore, Draco Malfoy is desperate enough to search for any way out. After stumbling upon information about parallel universes
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Comments 36
I particularly loved the way that Harry and Draco could still be so familiar, but with the subtle differences that come with different experiences. And the part where Harry is afraid of a universe with his parents in it? WONDERFUL and so true to character. And then "real" Harry saying to Draco that he'd know him anywhere? *dies*
Thank you!!
Luna knowing about the planet tapestry was great... she's like a seer here all mysterious and then Draco actually listens to her which was amazing.
Draco in here was so very sad, and I liked all the little details. Hermione and Ron weren't friends without Harry, and they sat in Draco's usual seat and Narcissa knew and was so accepting... AND SIRIUS WAS ALIVE *tear*.
Draco going back nearly broke my heart but I like how Harry knew right away what was going on. I'd love to see the other side of this, my mind is already happy and crazy with the implications as they are.
Great job here, I loved this!
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