Title: Crown of Thorns
Team: AU
el_princessPrompt: 1. "I'll never lay a wand on..."
Wordcount: 14,000
Rating: NC-17
Warnings: Discussions of a religious nature, graphic sexual scenes.
Summary: On his eleventh birthday, Draco was given a Malfoy family heirloom: his grandfather's rosary. He accepted it without question. Years later, when Harry Potter arrives from nowhere with new set of ideas, Draco is forced to decide whether the life he has always known is still worth living.
Author's Note: Many thanks to
joanwilder for the beta and for also being a great team captain. To
dacro for the push in the right direction and for the rest of my teammates, I hope you all had as great a time as I did.
Crown of Thorns For a description of teams, please see our