Title: All That's (Not) Forgiven
Team: Epilogue
maraudersaffairPrompt: 3. A poisonous toadstool never changes its spots.
Wordcount: 7,750
Rating: PG-13
Warnings: Mentions of heterosexual sex (Ginny/Harry)
Summary: While training to be an Auror, Harry must assist the Malfoys in rebuilding the Manor.
Author's Note: A great thanks to my beta,
marauderswolf, and my
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Comments 23
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This was an interesting scenario, one which wasn't resolved in the end, but in true Harry fashion, he'll do his duty. I really liked Narcissa in this too. And with Ginny in Japan, who knows what will happen. :)
Strange how Malfoy thought he hadn't done anything wrong. Same as how Marlson and everyone else thought it was best for Goyle to die. They all thought their unhappiness was someone else's' fault. No one changes, similar to how a toadstool's spots never change.
What I was trying (badly, it turns out) to say is that I don't think these two circumstances are similar at all. It is ludicrous for Mafoy to think he'd not done anything wrong, but it's Marlson's reaction was almost understandable, given his family had suffered at the hands of the Dark side. His unhappiness was someone else's fault, to a point. I guess after the war, though, everyone's got to make a choice about how bitter they will be. But I think you made your point that change, especially when it's a negative to positive one, is difficult and unusual.
I actually wished there was a bit more to explain what happened between Harry and Draco and just with the trial and the Manor. But I guess an open ending offers some hope.
Nice work with this. I also really liked your detailed descriptions to paint a picture in the mind. That was what got me the most. =)
The story is very well written and I was sucked in from the first. You got Harry down pat. I believed that he would exactly what he did in this story. He would never give up when it comes to righting an injustice that had been made, be it getting Goyle the treatment he deserves as human being despite his past, or seeing that Lucius pays for the crimes he committed.
Draco was more mature, but he still had a lot of growing up to do if he believed that he is nothing without his father.
I did like the story, a lot actually, despite the end. You should come over to Team EWE so that the boys can end up together.
With Goyle, I wanted a symbolic situation that, unfortunately, wasn't very realistic. If his attack had happened in another fic of mine, or in a situation that was meant to be more along the lines of realism, of course St Mungos would be one of the only places that former Death Eaters could go to get help. But I really wanted to show how both sides were still suffering and untrustworthy.
I really wanted to take the fic further! However, looking back on it, I'm glad I ended it where I did. Like the other reviews said, it allows the readers to make their own assumptions about what happens to Draco and Harry.
Do you think Harry and Draco will get together in the very far future?Well, I don't want to depress you anymore . . . But if you really want to know, I think Harry's loyalty and idealism to his family will stop him from ever getting with Draco. And I don't see the strain ( ... )
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