Team AU: 21. A butterbeer a day keeps the mediwizard away.

Apr 23, 2009 14:22

Title: Alpha and Omega
Team: AU
Author: thesamanthahope
Prompt: 21. A butterbeer a day keeps the mediwizard away.
Wordcount: ~8000
Rating: R
Warnings: Non-graphic sex, angst, character death (not Draco or Harry)
Summary: Every new beginning comes from some other beginning's end ("Closing Time" by Semisonic)
Author's Note: I shouldn't be surprised that I ended up loving my pinch hit fic more than my original submission. Such is life. I would still be a slobbering mess crying in frustration on the floor if it weren't for my ljbff lotus_lizzy, my rlbff, mrdavismd, who encouraged me every step of the way, and my co-captain, joanwilder, who has been a total rock star through this whole fest process.

Alpha and Omega

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prompt: 21. butterbeer a day, team au, r, fic, round ii

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