Title: Forever Hold Your Peace Team: Epilogue Artist: rosivan Prompt: 5. Fate worse than a dementor's kiss. Rating: G Warnings: None. Summary: The hardest thing to do is to let love pass by.
What an ingenious way of showing 'the road not taken'. It didn't make me feel sorry for either one of them, though, as they made their choices, but you portrayed that air of 'lost chance' so poignantly. Well done!
This was really lovely. I was amazed at how much you conveyed in the first few panels by simply fading everyone else into it. The emotion and pain were just so apparent in that simple action. That was really incredible and clever. I feel so badly for them both- I can't imagine how difficult it must be. I am now curious about their back story... How did they end up there, in that room, just like that? Of course, I think what I am imagining makes it much more personal and meaningful (you must have planned it that way). It was very touching and just... lovely. Well done!
I must admit, I have a certain fondness for leaving things open-ended for personal interpretation. I'm very pleased that this has prompted you to come up with your own back story and reasons for how this interaction came to be. ♥ I'm glad you've enjoyed it~ :D Thank you!
Comments 57
I really like the composition, the face in of what REALLY is going on, the look of devestation on Harry's face *sniffle*
What you did with that background fading into view.. brilliant! Emphasizes the impression that, for a moment, there are just two people in the room.
Must be agony to sit back and watch it all happen.. and you waited till the very end to show that emotion.
Like I said: wow - and: thank you :)
*grins happily* Precisely what I was going for. Thank you very much, I'm glad you've enjoyed it ♥
Heart-breaking! (but beautiful!)
Loved the fade-in and the way you played with our emotions.
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