Team EWE: 5. Fate worse than a dementor's kiss.

Apr 26, 2009 06:51

Title: Of Hobbies and Consequences
Team: EWE
Author: xanateria
Prompt: 5. Fate worse than a dementor's kiss.
Wordcount: 9123
Rating: PG
Warnings: None really, a naughty word.
Summary: Harry learns why trying to get a hobby can be hazardous to his health.
Author's Note: This story completely changed on me, more than once. I wanted to go somewhere totally different with it, but the boys wouldn't let me. Huge thanks and virtual chocolate to my betas jamie2109 and el_em_en_oh_pee.

Of Hobbies and Consequences

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prompt: 5. worse than dementor's kiss, pg, fic, team ewe, round ii

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