Name: Jessica
Age: 20
Location Ohio
Hobbies: reading, traveling, swimming, hiking, skiing, playing video games
Likes: video games, being with my friends, wit, sarcasm, books, summer, being outside, sci-fi
Dislikes: winter, stupidity, boredom
Favorite Movies: The Princess Bride, Trading Places, Star Wars, Wayne's World
Favorite Music: Led Zeppelin, Red Hot Chili Peppers, Genesis, a lot of 90's alternative rock, classic prog, etc.
Favorite Books (other than HDM): 1984, Brave New World, Fahrenheit 451, White Oleander
Job/career aspirations: I want to be a child psychologist. I am currently a psych major in college.
Would you like to be stamped a female ,male ,or it doesn't matter?: Doesn't matter =)
What are your strengths? I am very good at making other people laugh and I am usually pretty optimistic. I love my friends and would do just about anything for them.
What are your weaknesses? I can be really over-emotional and paranoid about stuff that I don't need to be. I can also be really overanalytical.
Describe yourself in five words. loving, witty, emotional, happy, weird
How do you think others see you? I think others see me as dependable and a little strange.
Are you a leader or a follower? I like to think that I fall somewhere in between.
Are you more outgoing or shy? When I'm with my friends I'm way outgoing, but when I'm with people I don't know I'm shy.
What causes you stress? How do you relax? School can be stressful, and relationships/friendships tend to stress me out when I overanalyze stuff. I like to relax by making myself laugh somehow.
How do you deal with conflict? I deal with it directly. I can be pretty confrontational if something is bothering me.
When do you feel most comfortable? When I am with my friends.
Who or what is most important to you? The people I love, and laughter.
What are you good at? swimming, one-liners
What do you wish you were better at? socializing with people I don't know
What do you hope to achieve in your life? I want to love my job someday
The Books
When did you first read His Dark Materials? I randomly bought TGC at a book sale when I was 11 and finally read it when I was 12. I immediately fell in love with the story and the characters and got the other two books.
What do you like about the books? I love the beautiful story and the amazing concepts, such as daemons and the subtle knife and the alethiometer. It's all just wonderful.
Who is your favourite character? Why? I really like Lyra because she is so brave and adventurous, and I like Iorek because he is so loyal and smart. I also like Mary Malone and how she helps Lyra and interacts with the Mulefa.
Who is your least favourite character? Why? Lord Boreal because he is just a really unpleasant guy.
Of all the worlds mentioned in the books, which would you most like to visit? Lyra's.
Photos (optional) Sorry, I don't have any on this computer :-\