Who Am I? What's My Daemon?

Jun 01, 2008 00:52

Name:Saoirse Selene DeWinter
Age: Old Enough
Hobbies: Reading, Writing, Watching Under Rated Films.
Likes: Learning More About Local History, Frequenting Occult Shops, Learning More About my Celtic Heritage, Free Thinkers, and Etc.
Dislikes: Closed Minded Bastards, Religous Fanatics, Ungrateful Brats, Pompous Men, and etc.
Favorite Movies: Hot Fuzz, Golden Compass, Lock Stock And Two Smoking Barells, Reefer Madness, Brick, Before The Devil Knows You're Dead, and etc.
Favorite Music: I like everything from celtic to metal.
Favorite Books (other than HDM): The Poet - Michael Connoley, Any Sherlock Holmes Book, Angels And Demons - Dan Brown, The DaVinci Code - Dan Brown, Tarot Cafe Manga, and etc.
Job/career aspirations: Well, I want to be a historian and in my spare time a professional body piercer.
Would you like to be stamped a female ,male ,or it doesn't matter?: It makes no real difference to me.

What are your strengths? Well, I'm a leader, I'm not afraid to ask questions that need to be asked, I am blunt, I'm very adventurous, I don't go with the crowd, I form my own opinions about things, and etc.
What are your weaknesses? Well, I can be blunt to the point of being extremely rude, I'm adventurous enough to be described as 'crazy' or as having 'a death wish', I don't go with the crowd and that tends to make me a little less favourable to some people.
Describe yourself in five words. Adventurous, A Little Insane, Quirky, Blunt, Free-Thinking
How do you think others see you? Well, Crazy, Insane, Just weird in general.
Are you a leader or a follower? Leader, definately. I don't follow anyone's rules, but my own.
Are you more outgoing or shy? I am extremely outgoing. I can meet more people in an hour than most people meet in a day.
What causes you stress? How do you relax? Well, there are lots of things that cause me stress, my family, my relationships, my friendships at times, University and so on. To relax I smoke. And don't even begin to give me a lecture about it, I've heard enough of them to last 5 life times.
How do you deal with conflict? Well, I am the one with a good head on their shoulders, and tries to figure it out logically and talk it out instead of just going off. Of course if it's a fight someone's looking for then I may not start it, but I'll sure as hell end it.
When do you feel most comfortable? I feel most comfortable outside with nature, or somewhere up really high.
Who or what is most important to you? My family is VERY important to me.
What are you good at? I'm good at finding obscure myths, legends, and such. I'm a good shot in a firing range. Uh, I'm good at a lot of things, overall.
What do you wish you were better at? I wish I was better at relationships. I always seem to fuck them up with my weirdness, and such.
What do you hope to achieve in your life? I hope to achieve a good job as a historian, I hope to achieve owning my own piercing shop, I hope to achieve living in Ireland, I hope to achieve owning my own little Cessna, and etc.

The Books
When did you first read His Dark Materials? Oh, a deep shame upon me! It was Feburary.
What do you like about the books? I like the idea of having a daemon. The thought of showing your soul in another form is something I've always loved dreaming about.
Who if your favourite character? Why? Well, it's Lee! He and I see a lot alike and I've always loved his 'dive on in' spirit.
Who is your least favourite character? Why? The Magistirium, in general. I know it's not a character, but they're honestly the ones I hate the most! Stupid totalitarian bastards!!
Of all the worlds mentioned in the books, which would you most like to visit? Lyra's! Once, again, it's the daemon thing.

Photos (optional)
Don't have a digital camera, sorry!

stamped!lee scoresby

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