Please vote on 3 applications before yours and post their links here!
III General
Name: Robin
Character Stamped As: Lord Asriel
Least Favorite Animal: Pigs. Have you ever smelled a pig farm? I don't know how people can eat them let alone find them cute and lovable. I have no fondness for penguins either. "March of the Penguins" seems to have brought them into the public conscience and made them popular, but for me the movie caused nothing but disgust for these painfully stupid and frequently doomed animals. Honestly, how the bloody stupid things continue to survive is a mystery to me.
Favorite Color: Black, although I like deep reds and blues and greens as well. As long as it's not pastel I'm pretty alright with it.
Most Prized Possession: my brain, pretty much anything else can be replaced or I can live without it.
Something you feel strongly about:human rights, miscarriages of justice, personal integrity
This or That
Fruit or Vegetable?: fruit, although I like both
Morning, Noon, Afternoon, Evening, or Night?:Either evening or night, but I'd probably give the edge to evening
Urban City or Rural Countryside?: Both. I prefer the country when I want to get away from people (which happens pretty often), but I like the excitement and possibilities of being in the city. It really depends on my mood which I prefer.
Chase or Be Chased?: Chase definitely.
Innocence or Wisdom?: Wisdom, being too innocent just makes you vulnerable unfortunately.
Mark with an "X" all words/concepts which appeal to you. Bold and Underline the one you had marked off that you feel most drawn to. Strike out all of those which you dislike.
[ X ] Victory
[ ] Peace
[ X ] Solace
[ ] Youth
[ X ] Vigor
[ ] Work
[ X ] Beauty
[ X ] Grace
[ X ] Intelligence
[ ] Faith
[ X ] Skepticism
[ ] Sociality
[ ] Sloth
[ X ] Challenge
[ ] War
[ X ] Idealism
[ X ] Realism
[ X ] Quiet
[ ] Noise
[ X ] Song
[ X ] Mischief
[ ] Maturity
[ X ] Justice
[ ] Mercy
[ X ] Hope
Description: (only if you cannot or do not want to post photographs)