- One Guest Reccer per month. Three reccs, links, add yours to hdoneshots List & tell us why read? Short & sweet; very simple. Please participate. If you like reccing, this is a Golden Opportunity to do so!
- NEW Banner. Puleeeeeez! Been a while, folks. Got it kicking around, just looking for a home? Need a place to post that banner you spent all week at work fiddling with? Give us a hoot 'n' holler.
- Theme Suggestions, other than the obvious.
- New Recc Lists created by others that might be available to lend Reccs to ours...if you have a Recc List and would like to share your One Shot Reccs, we could use them.
- We're at 305 line items and sitting static at the moment. People are busy, I know, but there's a whole year's worth of reccable Fest material that's not on the List. I'd like to hit 400 by year's end, if possible. Let's do this! Anyone can--and may--recc!
That said, carry on with teh Drarrying on. Let no fic be left unturned, verily! Happy 2012!