Friend Add (updated 10/03/07)

Jul 11, 2006 22:33

Please reply to this entry if there are any mistakes or missing characters. Otherwise copy the following and go here.

friend add _niklas
friend add alluring_poise
friend add ambitiousblond
friend add amysorel
friend add auspiciousfire
friend add bar_illusion
friend add blondcasanova
friend add bloodypriestess
friend add blue_salvation
friend add blueseadragoon
friend add burnyourmind
friend add chazthered
friend add cherryblossom_9
friend add crowned_cat
friend add defying_gods
friend add domicross
friend add dreav_girl
friend add ebil_bunnie
friend add english_ivy
friend add ergheiz_crypt
friend add ergheiz_etic
friend add ergheiz_etooc
friend add ergheiz_n00b
friend add ergheiz_npc
friend add exiledxgod
friend add falenan_prince
friend add fang_blade
friend add fatal_shiranui
friend add feasts_on_souls
friend add flamingfrenchie
friend add floral_church
friend add geekxninja
friend add genya_arucado
friend add headmastah
friend add hildavalentine
friend add holy_gambler
friend add jadenecromancer
friend add jellyfishmay
friend add juste_ou_mort
friend add kissthemoons
friend add kosmos_kpx
friend add ladyofdamcyan
friend add lazy_sorcerer
friend add lezard1valeth
friend add ligerchild
friend add lunareagle
friend add mantledillusion
friend add miss_shera
friend add mizuhosummoner
friend add morgenrote
friend add mr_highwind
friend add mr_ziggurat
friend add mysidian_legend
friend add obscure_requiem
friend add oldscoolergheiz
friend add one_winglet
friend add petit_paradigm
friend add pg_apprentice
friend add playful_sparrow
friend add princeofdamcyan
friend add redheadedrat
friend add rodent_leader
friend add satsui_no_hadou
friend add scythe_master
friend add sea_guardian
friend add seventh_ion
friend add shiden_ryudo
friend add shieldofchaos
friend add shinra_corp_spy
friend add shinymateria
friend add sky_scorcher
friend add snakefangs
friend add sonno_eterno
friend add soul_eaten
friend add stfu_im_awesome
friend add summoningsoul
friend add tp_xx
friend add verhaeltnis
friend add whitevariant
friend add xblood_swordx
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