Mar 25, 2019 05:11

This application post is now closed.
Please go to this post for any character reservation you wish to fill out, and this post to post a completed application.

(No worries we will look at all the apps that have been submitted this week as well, you don't need to repost them in the new one. But please do not post any new apps here anymore)


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Comments 1475

anonymous April 26 2010, 06:35:09 UTC
anonymous April 26 2010, 18:50:36 UTC
akeningyou April 27 2010, 05:29:05 UTC
Hey, Proton-mun and I have a question...

Can our characters attempt to enroll in the school as students, despite being technically too old? And if so, after the jig is up so to speak, can they then receive jobs as teachers?

Basically Proton and Apollo (if they're accepted) want to try and sneak into the school masquerading as students. They're both technically too old to be students but the other mun and I both don't want them to be teachers right away because the muses are going to try to be sneaky and stuff.


things_go_boom April 27 2010, 05:36:53 UTC be quite frank this sounds amazingly awesome and we are very excited about this idea.

So the answer is YES.


PROTON // ogawdwhatamIdoing slowpoking April 28 2010, 20:09:42 UTC
Out-of-Character Information
Name: Pru
Are you over 15?: Yes
LJ username: zwinglii
Time Zone: -8 GMT
AIM: MyCrashBomb
Tegaki: I will have to make one. SOON.
Anything else?:


PROTON // Irlydon'tknow slowpoking April 28 2010, 20:10:34 UTC
In-Character Information
Name : Proton
Game/Series: HG/SS
Age & Grade Level : ‘17’ / junior || THOUGH he is really ‘19-21’
Personality: The first word that may come to mind when seeing Proton is, Wrath. Though this might be more to the fact it seems to be his favorite word to yap out when trying to appear intimidating to little kids less than half his age. However it is stated that he is rumored to be the ‘scariest and cruelest of Team Rocket’ but despite this fact or perhaps because of it- he is the most popular of the executives. Having a small following of fans when it comes to the female Grunts of Team Rocket- though he may be a bit oblivious to this fact seeing as he didn’t notice the one that was pressing her face against the glass separating her from the room he was in back at the Radio tower of Goldenrod. He also seems to harbor a liking to Slowpokes which exudes itself in his practice of--- slicing off their tails as produceReally there isn’t much depth to Proton’s personality, one could compare him to the ( ... )


PROTON // AHHHH // Personality section Cont. slowpoking April 28 2010, 20:11:42 UTC
All in all Proton is a typical ‘tough-guy’ only he is minus the concrete toughness. When you have a Zubat/Golbat and Koffing/Weezing for pokemon you-aren’t really going to go up in the ranks of villainy. So here is where I am going to creatively expand on Proton as best as I can to give in a little more depth to his character- off of the only two small encounters we get to see of him in the games. I see Proton as being one of those guys who won’t back down from a fist-fight until his fists bleed to the point of losing consciousness- he enjoys fighting- he enjoys pissing off his higher ups (excluding Giovanni of course) but knows his place enough to not back-talk one while in front of other people outside of Team Rocket. He does have a mean streak- however it can be overshadowed by the aspect of ‘he just doesn’t care’ about doing things in the right and just way. Comparing it to how he hardly minds being stuck down a well sneakishly cutting slowpoke tails to sell on the black market compared to opening a restaurant off the coast where ( ... )


PROTON // fgfsdhgfshgf slowpoking April 28 2010, 20:12:17 UTC
Canonly, Proton has VERY VERY LITTLE expanded on, in fact all we know is- he is a part of Team Rocket, and for some stroke of probably LUCK he became an executive (lowest grade out of the four most likely)-and has been in a well with slowpokes harvesting their tails-then ending up at Radio Tower where the Main Character fights him again to find Proton’s Pokémon have evolved since the well incident. After defeating him and the rest of the executives they disband and are never seen again.
So here is where I plan to assume believable things as to how Proton got where he was- seeing how we are keeping to the timeline as best we can, all the incidents in HG/SS actually haven’t happened yet- and instead of such things happening- the time line derails when Giovanni apparently logs onto his good ol’ Team Rocket website hosted by Yahoo!geocities free account with adsOnce upon a time in Johto, there was a green haired boy who probably grew up in some broken home where he didn’t see eye to eye with parents- and what happens then? ( ... )


Apollo 1 (this app nearly killed me sob...) allforgiovanni April 29 2010, 00:58:21 UTC
Out-of-Character Information
Name: Leena
Are you over 15?: Yes'ms
LJ username: akeningyou
Time Zone: -8 GMT
AIM: teriyakibulgogi
Tegaki: Uhm... N/A?
Anything Else?: I am on AIM whenever I am on the computer. Which is a lot. As for MSN... well, I won't log into it unless someone REALLY REALLY wants me over there. I can't draw so I don't think I'll get a Tegaki... sorry.

In-Character Information
Name : Archer (eng)/Apollo (jpn) (I prefer Apollo)
Game/Series: Pokemon Heart Gold/Soul Silver (also Fire Red/Leaf Green if you stretch it)
Age & Grade Level: '18', Senior (In truth he is in his mid-twenties)


Apollo 2 (here's where the tl;dr starts...) allforgiovanni April 29 2010, 01:00:52 UTC
Personality: Of all the executives of Team Rocket, Apollo appears to be the one most dedicated to Team Rocket and most importantly their former boss Giovanni. As the acting "boss" in Giovanni's absence Apollo exhibits exceptional leadership skills by not only reviving the once-abolished Team Rocket but also organizing and directing the group for the sole purpose of bringing Giovanni back. As a matter of fact, if he wanted to Apollo could have probably declared himself the permanent new leader of Team Rocket, which in turn would have most likely saved the organization a lot of grief in the long run... yet instead, for one reason or another, he is fixated on the notion of Giovanni returning to Team Rocket. Although certainly many, if not all, the members of the neo Team Rocket wish for Giovanni's return Apollo stands apart from the rest in his loyalty, swearing from the moment he hears of Giovanni's defeat that he would find his boss, who by then had disappeared without a trace to "train in solitary". To hit the creepily-loyal-to- ( ... )


Apollo 3 (tl;dr personality continued...) allforgiovanni April 29 2010, 01:01:53 UTC
Nevertheless he normally avoids conflict of any kind... or at the very least he tries to. It is usually difficult to make Apollo truly angry, in fact most of the time his normal mode seems to be that of slight irritation due to incompetant subordinates. Though he gets along fairly well with Athena and Petrel, this often is not the case with Proton. Being polar-opposites in both personality and work ethics the two rarely see eye-to-eye, which is unfortunate considering as how they are supposed to be team mates. Knowing that having a negative relationship with his subordinate would negatively effect their work Apollo sometimes attempts to reach out and bridge the proverbial gap between them... but this often ends in disaster so lately the two have simply been avoiding each other. That is, until Apollo invited Proton to come along with him on his mission to bring Giovanni back to Team Rocket.... I'm not sure what he was thinking there ( ... )


Apollo 4 (now on to the tl;dr history!) allforgiovanni April 29 2010, 01:04:35 UTC
Backstory: Like most members Apollo started off his "career" in Team Rocket as a grunt and slowly but surely made his way up the chain of command. As a loyal minion of Giovanni he followed orders without question which eventually landed him a position as administrator of the branch stationed at the Sevii Islands. There he began conducting research on magnetic waves and how they influenced the evolution of Pokemon. It was during this time that a young pokemon trainer named Red appeared to put a stop to Team Rocket's activities on the Sevii Islands. Apparently having been kept out of the loop, Apollo refused to believe that Giovanni had been beaten by this child and that Team Rocket had been disbanded. That is until Red showed him the Earth Badge that he had won by defeating Giovanni. Although finally accepting Giovanni's defeat and subsequent "end" of Team Rocket, Apollo swore that he would find Giovanni and revive Team Rocket one day ( ... )


Squirtle 1 aquatictorrent April 29 2010, 05:11:43 UTC
Out-of-Character Information
Name: Kati
Are you over 15?: Yes..Yes I am
LJ username: MizunoKati
Time Zone: -5 GMT
AIM: MercuryDestiny
MSN: (I don't use MSN often)
Anything Else?: AIM more often then not

In-Character Information
Name : Squirtle
Game/Series: Pokemon
Age & Grade Level: 13 Freshman

PersonalitySquirtle is a relaxed and gentle water-type Pokémon. He is is pretty laid back when it comes to anything other then battling. To others, he is very respectful, if not extremely curious about things he has never seen before. He is slightly naive to evil intents, and he feels like everyone has a good side, even if they don't ever show it. He is quite happy being a Squirtle and gets annoyed when others tease him about it. He will defend the fact that he can be as tough as the rest of the group even as a Squirtle ( ... )


Squirtle 2 aquatictorrent April 29 2010, 05:13:08 UTC
BackstorySquirtle was hatched with a pair of Blastoise who were owned by a kind breeder couple who lived on the edge of Route 6 and Vermilion City. He was raised around many other types of Pokemon, mostly being sent out as starters for new trainers. The couple wished to raise him and a few others that had hatched about the same time before sending them out, having places in mind for the group ( ... )


Squirtle 3 aquatictorrent April 29 2010, 05:14:30 UTC
Once in Fuchsia, Red let them rest while he went into the Safari Zone. Squirtle talked with the rest of the group while they waited, eager to move on to the next challenge set in place. Koga was that next challenge to face, and Squirtle fought hard along side the rest of the team, helping Red earn his badge. They headed off again, keeping a keen ear out to any rumors of anything funny going on ( ... )


Squirtle 4 aquatictorrent April 29 2010, 05:15:59 UTC
They stayed there for a few years before hearing word about all the gym leaders going missing from the mouths of the trainers that had come up to challenge the team. After scouting this all out, Red left the place. Squirtle ended up following after a bit, wanting to see where this was. He was bored without Red. He followed the directions given to him, Got lost a few times but finally made it to Smash Academy. He enrolled himself into the school and decided to give it a shot.

Anything Else?: I am resetting Squirtle since Red has also been reset.

In-Character 1st person writing sample (journal):

Well I got here just in time! And I didn't get too lost this time...I need to stop asking Charizard for directions....

My name is Squirtle and I'll be joining up when classes begin again. I heard Red came here so I decided to come and find out where he went! And when I got here, I decided to stay.

I hope I can make some friends here!

In-Character 3rd person writing postSquirtle was bored. He swam about the sea thinking about what else he ( ... )


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