Age: 14
Height: Not sure, but tiny. Shortest of the Dex holders (sans Emerald, ha ha midget)
Weight: Not sure, but tiny. So yeah.
Medical Info: Um. Has broken limbs in the past, but has set them via own medical knowledge? Is prone to falling asleep at random, generally very inconvenient times due to superpowers. So, magical narcolepsy I guess?
Eyes: Yellow
Hair: Yellow
Physical traits: Tiny. Able to be passed off as a young boy still. Super-long ponytail that manages to fit under a straw hat?
What's Okay To Mention Around Him/Her: Anything is a-okay.
Abilities: hahahha okay here we go. Yellow, due to being born in the Viridian Forest, hass superpowers that relate to pokemon. First, she can read their minds to communicate with them. Second, she can heal their wounds. Third, when she gets really mad, she can boost her Pokemon's levels by pure anger because that's awesome. She also has minor telekinesis, able to move a ball on a string. Annnd she is able to have her pokemon use moves that don't actually exist when the plot calls for it.
Notes for the Psychics/Magically or Spiritually sensitive: Is usually thinking about Red-san! Other than that, she may ping you for having spiritual/magic powers of healing and mind-reading. Most of her powers are restricted only to pokemon, though, or at least the healing is.
Can I shapeshift/bodyswap/spit at/step on/etc?: Talk to me first!
Hugging/kissing/other non-violent physical contact: ... expect much flailing and omgwtf, but sure.
Maim/Murder/Death: nnnnnnnnnot likely, but if you want to, talk to me first.
Cooking: Can survive on her own in the wilderness unattended, so I'mma gonna say yes.
Other: lolidunno.