Самомассаж, шиацу, акупрессура. Продолжение

Oct 26, 2009 21:29

Начало: http://healthy-back.livejournal.com/175633.html

Освобождение диафрагмы
1. Жёстко положить левую руку под центр грудной клетки (на солнечное сплетение - H.B.) и накрыть правой рукой. Прижать локти к телу.
2. Сделать глубокий вдох, задержать дыхание и надавить телом на руки, а руками давить на тело. Чем дольше выдержите, тем лучше.
3. Сделать свободный выдох и опутить руки. Повторить ещё 2 раза.
4. На вдохе обхватить правой рукой левую сторону талии. На выдохе с давлением потянуть пальцы к пупку. Повторить несколько раз.
5. Повторить с другой стороны.

Устранение боли

Схема меридианов мышц
1. Найти на рис. 43 мышцу, которая находится в районе боли.
2. Найти меридиан, который ей соответствует.
3. На рис. 26 найти точки меридиана. Заметьте, что там есть точки расслабления "первые" и "вторые".
4. Подержать точки расслабления, надписанные как "первые" 2-3 минуты.
5. Подержать точки расслабления, надписанные как "вторые" 1,5-2 минуты

Схема меридианов зубов
Действовать аналогично схеме маридианов мышц.

Схема зон
1. По рис. 45 найти зону боли.
2. Найти число, соответствующее зоне. Если боль ниже пояса, то искать число на лодыжке (А на диаграмме), если боль выше пояса, то искать число на запястье (W на диаграмме).
3. Если боль в передней части тела (инь), постукивать внутреннюю часть лодыжки или запястья. Если боль в задней части тела (янь), постукивать наружную часть лодыжки или запястья.
4. Найти на диаграмме лодыжки или запястья точку, соответствующую боли. А3 означает, что ваша боль в зоне 3 ниже пояса.
5. Постукивать точку примерно 10 раз. остановиться на 10 секунд. Затем снова постукать примерно 1,5 минуты.
6. Боль обычно продолжает уменьшаться в течение 10 минут после прекращения постукивания. Если боль осталась, проделать то же самое с другой стороной тела.

Преследование боли
1. Найти меридиан, в котором находится боль (рис. 10-23)
2. Расположить палец одной руки в центр боли, палец другой руки - в начало меридиана. Твёрдо надавить на обоими пальцами.
3. Боль всегда имеет двойника. Не отрывая пальца от места боли, медленно продвинуться вдоль меридиана одновременно обеими руками, пока не найдёте новое место боли. Это примерно на ширину пальца.
4. Одновременно держать первое и второе места боли, пока боль не пройдёт в одном из мест.
5. Сдвинуть палец с точки, которая больше не болит. Если это 2-я, то двигать палец к 1-й. Если это 1-я, то двигать палец от другого пальца, к концу меридиана. Продолжать, пока не найдёте новое место боли. Повторить шаг 4.
6. Если 2 пальца соединились, то сдвинуть палец от неболезненной точки по направлению к противоположному концу меридиана.
7. В конечном итоге один палец окажется на конце меридиана и боль можно выдавить. Если боль "застряла", то подержать акупунктурные седативные точки на конце меридиана (рис. 26)

Начало: http://healthy-back.livejournal.com/175633.html


See also http://www.wakingtimes.com/2014/02/11/wifi-schools-shown-cause-health-problems-child-risk/ - WiFi in Schools Shown to Cause Health Problems - Is Your Child at Risk?

Your body needs the Earth's electromagnetic field. A disorder that developed in Japanese industrial workers who spent long hours in metal buildings that shielded them from the Earth's natural magnetic field, called magnetic field deficiency syndrome, included such symptoms as insomnia, decreased energy, and generalized aches and pains. The application of artificial magnetic fields alleviated these symptoms.2 A similar syndrome was seen in Russian cosmonauts who, after more than a year in space, had lost 80 percent of their bone density. After strong artificial magnetic fields were introduced into spacecraft, this ailment was no longer a problem in space travel.[3]

We usually don't think of biological tissue as being affected by magnetic fields. Iron filings, steel spoons, and compass needles seem to be made of an altogether different substance than human flesh. It turns out, however, that in addition to the iron in your blood, all life-forms contain tiny crystals of magnetite, a natural magnetic mineral comprised of black iron oxide. This magnetite continually registers changes in your relationship to the Earth's electromagnetic field, and helps orient you to that field.[4] Magnetite is the original lodestone used by some preliterate people in healing potions and ceremonies. The magnetite crystals in your body are so small that they can only be seen through an electron microscope.

The concentration of the magnetite crystals found in the human brain is considerably less than the concentration of magnetite found in birds, bees, and fish. Scientists have speculated that magnetite in animals helps them with navigation. The magnetite in bacteria, in fact, turns them into "swimming compass needles that orient with respect to the earth's magnetic field."[5] The relatively small concentration in humans may explain why we cannot, by sense alone, navigate as well as the birds and the bees, but it is strong enough to offer part of the explanation for the health effects of natural and artificial magnetic fields.

Vested interests in government and industry have been more than a little reluctant to acknowledge the potential adverse impact of artificially generated electromagnetic fields on health, but in my practice I frequently see the fallout on human lives. While these fields do not lead to appreciable harm in most people, sensitive individuals can be devastated. At one time, miners would send a canary into a mine shaft to test for poisonous gases. If the canary stopped singing, they knew it had died and the shaft was contaminated. People who are particularly sensitive to electromagnetic fields have been the "canaries," but the problem is accelerating.

Hundreds of studies over the past three decades looking into the health impact of electromagnetic fields have produced mixed findings. As with the mixed research results on the dangers of smoking, vested interests shape outcomes. A highly publicized and influential report released in 1996 by a panel of the prestigious National Academy of Sciences' National Research Council concluded that electromagnetic fields pose no real health threat.[6] Less publicized, however, is the panel's finding that children living near power lines do indeed have elevated rates of leukemia. When asked what is responsible, if not electromagnetic fields, "the committee members said they didn't know."[7] The National Research Council's findings have been criticized for having excluded some of the most important existing studies that do reveal the health-related dangers of electromagnetic fields. An earlier report by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) did indeed find a link between electromagnetic fields and cancer. The Air Force and White House apparently tried to suppress this report because it "might be unnecessarily alarming to the public," but some EPA staff members were themselves so alarmed that they leaked a draft copy of the findings to the press. The suppressed report concluded:

Studies showing leukemia, lymphoma, and cancer of the nervous system in children exposed to magnetic fields from residential 60 Hz electrical power distribution S)׳stems, supported by similar findings in adults in several occupational studies also involving electrical power frequency exposures, show a consistent pattern of response that suggests, but does not prove, a causal link.[8]

While the electric and magnetic fields (EMFs) "found within the natural world are harmonious with and supportive of life . . . artificially created EMFs are 100-200 million times greater than what existed just two generations ago."[9] The barrage of artificial EMFs can harden cell membranes, alter DNA, and "adversely impact hormone production and neurological processes [leading to] more rapid aging, elevated blood glucose levels, elevated lipid levels, high blood pressure, increased neuron-regulatory disturbances, and it compromises the central nervous, cardiovascular, and immune systems."[10] The health effects can be devastating. For instance, people whose work exposes them to elevated EMFs, such as telephone linemen, have been shown to have as much as sixfold the incidence of certain types of cancer.[11]

A 2002 report on EMFs by the National Institute of Environmental Health Science (NIEHS) of the U.S. National Institutes of Health, after reviewing findings from conservative organizations such as the American Medical Association and the American Cancer Society suggesting little cause for alarm, concluded: "Although scientists are still debating whether EMF is a hazard to health, the NIEHS recommends continued education on ways of reducing exposures."12 While industrial and government organizations with a stake in the status quo still find the evidence connecting electromagnetic exposure with illness to be inconclusive, sites such as www.emfpollution.com link to articles that are alarming, and persuasive, in telling a different story.

There is no question in my mind that our continual and inescapable exposure to human-made electromagnetic fields has adverse subclinical effects for many people, draining and scrambling their energies, and that many illnesses are caused or exacerbated by this exposure. Video displays, cell phones, power lines, transformers, electric blankets, fluorescent lights, and microwave ovens are all possible culprits. Countering this problem has become an increasingly important challenge within my own practice. While it is still a largely uncharted area, I can suggest a few strategies if you suspect that electromagnetic fields-whether artificially generated or created by the earth's mineral deposits or "energy vortexes"-are adversely affecting your health.

Список использованной литературы


1. H. D. Thoreau, entry for January 5, 1856, A Writer's journal , Laurence Stapleton, ed. (New York: Dover, 1960).
2. Richard Gerber, Vibrational Medicine, 3rd ed. (Rochester, VT: Bear & Co., 2001), p. 428.
3. Norm Shealy, M.D., Acceptance speech upon receipt of the Alyce & Elmer Green Award for Excellence, 8'1'Annual Conference of the International Society for the Study of Subtle Energies and Energy Medicine, Boulder, Colorado, June 20, 1998.
4. Albert Szent-Gyorgyi, Introduction to a Submolecidar Biology (New York: Academic-Press, 1960), p. 135.
5. Many of the pioneering research studies that have accompanied the development of energy medicine are nicely summarized in three accessible books:
Robert O. Becker, Cross Currents: The Promise of Electromedicine, The Perils ofElec-tropollution (Los Angeles: Tarcher, 1990).
William Collinge, Subtle Energy (New York: Warner Books, 1998).
Richard Gerber, Vibrational Medicine, 3rd ed. (Rochester, VT: Bear & Co., 2001). Since the original publication of Energy Medicine, a treasure trove of books on the topic has appeared. Of particular note in terms of summarizing the science supporting the approach are:
Dawson Church, Tlie Genie in Your Genes: Epigenetic Medicine and the Neiv Biology of Intention (Santa Rosa, CA: Elite, 2007).
Peter H. Fraser and Harry Massey, Decoding the Human Body-Field: Tlie New Science of Information as Medicine (Rochester, VT: Healing Arts Press, 2008).
James Oschman, Energy Medicine: The Scientific Basis (New York: Harcourt, 2000).
James Oschman, Energy Medicine in Therapeutics and Human Performance (Amsterdam: Elsevier, 2003).
Gary E. Schwartz, Tlie Energy Healing Experiments: Science Reveals Our Natural Power to Heal (New York: Simon & Schuster, 2007).
William A. Tiller, Psychoenergetic Science (Walnut Creek, CA: Pavior, 2007). 6. Among the professional journals that regularly include articles on energy medicine are:
Advances in Mind-Body Medicine
Alternative & Complementary Therapies
Alternative Therapies in Health and Medicine
Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine
Journal of Holistic Nursing
Subtle Energies

A host of specialty journals address individual approaches to energy medicine, ranging from acupuncture to shiatsu.

1. David Feinstein and Donna Eden, "Six Pillars of Energy Medicine," Alternative Tliera-pies in Health and Medicine , 2008, 14(1), 44-54.
2. John Veltheim, The Body Talk System: The Missing Link to Optimum Health (Sarasota, FL: PaRama, 1999).
3. Lewis Thomas, Tlie Lives of a Cell: Notes of a Biology Watcher , rev. ed. (New York: Penguin, 1995).
4. Claire Sylvia, A Change of Heart (New York: Little, Brown, 1 997).
5. Paul Pearsall, "In Awe of the Heart," Alternative Therapies in Health and Medicine , 2007, 13(4), 16-19.
6. Rollin McCraty, "The Energetic Fleart: Bioelectromagnetic Communication within and between People." In Paul J. Rosch & Marko S. Markov, eds., Clinical Applications oj Bioelectromagnetic Medicine (New York: Marcel Dckker, 2004), pp. 541-562.
7. Joshua Rutenberg, Shing-Ming Cheng, and Michael Levin. "Early Embryonic Expression of Ion Channels and Pumps in Chick and Xenopus Development," Developmental Dynamics , 2002, 225, 469-484.
8. William A. Tiller, Psychoenergetic Science (Walnut Creek, CA: Pavior, 2007).
9. Valerie Hunt, "Electronic Evidence of Auras, Chakras in UCLA Study," Brain/Mind Bulletin , 1978, 3(9), 1-2.
10. Names and other identifying information in the cases presented in this book have been changed unless explicit permission to reveal them has been received. Where conversational exchanges are placed in quotation marks, the words shown represent my best recollection.
1 1. William Collinge, Subtle Energy (New York: Warner Books, 1998), pp. 2-3.
12. Jerome H. Barkow, Leda Cosmid.es, and John looby, eds., The Adapted Mind: Evolutionary Psychology and the Evolution of Culture (New York: Oxford University Press, 1992).
13. Cited in Anthony Stevens, The Two-Million-Year-Old Self (College Station: Texas A&M University Press, 1993), p. 3.
14. Robin Fox, The Search for Society (New Brunswick, NJ: Rutgers University Press, 1 989), p. 29.
1 5. Rupert Sheldrake, Seven Experiments That Could Change the World , 2nd ed. (Rochester,
VT: Park Street Press, 2002).
16. Collinge, Subtle Energy , p. 1.
17. Hiroshi Motoyama, Measurements of Ki Energy, Diagnosis and Treatments (Tokyo: Human Science Press, 1998).
18. I. Dumitrescu and Julian Kenyon, Electrographic Imaging in Medicine and Biology (Suffolk, England: Neville Spearman, 1983).
19. Ibid.
20. William A. Tiller, "A Gas Discharge Device for Investigating Focused Human Intention," Journal of Scientific Exploration 1990 (4), 225-271.
2 1. Roger D. Nelson, G. Johnston Bradish, York H. Dobyns, Brenda J. Dunne, and Robert
G. Jahn, "FieldREG Anomalies in Group Situations," Journal of Scientific Exploration 1996 (10), 111-141.
22. Dean Radin, The Conscious Universe: The Scientific Truth Behind Psychic Phenomena (San Francisco: HarperCollins, 1997).
23. C. Norman Shealy, "Clairvoyant Diagnosis," In T. VI. Srinivasan, ed., Energy Medicine around the World (Phoenix, AZ: Gabriel Press, 1988), pp. 291-303.
24. Russell Targ and Jane Katra, Miracles of Mind: Exploring Nonlocal Consciousness and Spiritual Healing (New York: New World Library, 1998); Larry Dossey, Healing Words: The Power of Prayer and the Practice of Medicine (San Francisco: HarperCollins, 1995); Dean Radin, Entangled Minds: Extrasensory Experiences in a Quantum Reality (New York: Simon & Schuster, 2006).

1. Rupert Sheldrake, Seven Experiments Tliat Coidd Change the World, 2nd ed. (Rochester, VT: Park Street Press, 2002).
2. Ronald Melzack, "Phantom Limbs," in Mysteries of the Mind, special issue of Scientific American, September 1997, pp. 84-91.
3. Report of an interview with Ronald Melzack in Discover, February 1998, p. 20.
4. Sheldrake, Seven Experiments, p. 127.
5. Larry Dossey, Healing Words: Tlie Power of Prayer and the Practice of Medicine (San Francisco: HarperCollins, 1995); Dean Radin, The Conscious Universe: Tlie Scientific Truth Behind Psychic Phenomena (San Francisco: HarperCollins, 1997); Russell Targ and Jane Katra, Miracles of Mind: Exploring Nonlocal Consciousness and Spiritual Healing (New York: New World Library, 1998).
6. Harold S. Burr, Tlie Fields of Life (New York: Rallantine, 1972).
7. Valerie Hunt, Infinite Mind: The Science of Human Vihrations (Malibu, CA: Malibu, 1995).
8. Dean Radin and Jannine M. Rebman, "Lunar Correlates of Normal, Abnormal and Anomalous Human Behavior," Subtle Energies 1996 (5), 209-238.
9. Michael A. Persinger and Stanley Krippner, "Dream ESP Experiments and Geomagnetic Activity," Journal of the American Society for Psychical Research 1989 (83), 101-106.
10. Rollin McCraty, "The Electricity of Touch," paper presented at the International Society for the Study of Subtle Energies and Energy Medicine, Sixth Annual Conference, Boulder, Colorado, June 24, 1996, available through the HeartMath Institute, www .webcom.com/hrtmath.
11. Jacques Lusseyran, And Hiere Was Light, translated by Elizabeth R. Cameron (New York: Parabola Books, 1987).
12. Larry Dossey, "The Healing Power of Pets: A Look at Animal-Assisted Therapy," Alternative Therapies in Health and Medicine 1997, 3(4), 8-16.
13. Summarized in William Collinge, Subtle Energy (New York: Warner Books, 1998), p. 99.
14. Alan G. Beardall, Clinical Kinesiology, vols. 1-5 (Lake Oswego, OR: Alan G. Beardall, 1980-1985).
15. Dean I. Radin, "A Possible Proximity Effect on Human Grip Strength," Perceptual and Motor Skills 1984 (58), 887-888.
16. Personal communication, January 16, 1998.
17. Scott C. Cuthbert and George J. Goodheart, "On the Reliability and Validity of Manual Muscle Testing: A Literature Review," Chiropractic &־ Osteopathy 2007, 15:4.
18. William Caruso and Gerald Leisman (2000), "A Force/Displacement Analysis of Muscle Testing," Perceptual and Motor Skills 91, 683-692.
19. D. Monti, J. Sinnott, M. Marchese, E. Kunkel, and J. Greeson. (1999), "Muscle Test Comparisons of Congruent and Incongruent Self-referential Statements," Perceptual and Motor Skills 88, 10 1 9-1 028.
20. Arden Lawson and Lawrence Caleron, "lntcrexaminer Agreement for Applied Kinesiology Manual Muscle Testing," Perceptual and Motor Skills 1997 (84), 539-546.
21. Chang-Yu Hsieh and Reed B. Phillips, "Reliability of Manual Muscle Testing with a Computerized Dynamometer," Journal of Manipidative and Physiological Therapeutics 1990 (13). 72-82.
22. G. Leisman, R. Zenhausern, A. Ferentz, T. Tefera, and A. Zemcov, "Electromyographic Effects of Fatigue and Task Repetition on the Validity of Estimates of Strong and Weak Muscles in Applied Kinesiological Muscle-Testing Procedures," Perceptual and Motor Skills 1995 (80), 963-977.
23. G. Leisman, P. Shambaugh, and A. H. Ferentz, "Somatosensory Evoked Potential Changes During Muscle Testing," International journal of Neuroscience 1989 (45), 143-151.

1. These findings come from a series of studies conducted at the Institute for HeartMath in Boulder Creek, California, and many of their reports can be found at vvww.heart math.org.
2. Rollin McCraty, Institute of HeartMath, Boulder Creek, Calif.; personal communication, March 31, 1998.
3. The series of studies that produced these findings is summarized in William Collinge, Subtle Energy (New York: Warner Books, 1998), p. 256.
4. Paul E. Dennison and Gail E. Dennison, Brain Gym (Ventura, CA: Edu-Kinesthetics, 1986).
5. Stephanie Eldringhoff and Victoria H. Matthews (2006), "Frozen and Irregular Energies: Hidden Energy Stumbling Blocks," from download from www.handoutbank.org.
6. Carl H. Delacato, The Diagnosis and Treatment of Speech and Reading Problems (Springfield, IL: Charles C. Thomas, 1963).
7. John Zimmerman, "Laying-on-of-Hands Healing and Therapeutic Touch: A Testable Theory," Newsletter of the Bio-Electro-Magnetics Institute 1990, 2(1), 8-17.
8. Both published and unpublished reports of these studies are available as a packet, "Educational Kinesiology Foundation Research Reports," from the Educational Kinesiology Foundation, P.O. Box 3396, Ventura, CA 93006; 800-356-2109. Other literature and resources are also available through this foundation.
9. Jan Irving, "The Effect of PACE on Self-Reported Anxiety and Performance in First-Year Nursing Students," Ph.D. dissertation, Oregon State University, Corvallis, 1995.
10. David Feinstein, Donna Eden, and Gary Craig, Tlie Promise of Energy Psychology (New York: Tarcher/Penguin, 2005), a finalist in the Self-Help category at the 2007 Indies Book Excellence Awards.

1. Helene M. Langevin and Jason A. Yandow, "Relationship of Acupuncture Points and Meridians to Connective Tissue Planes," Anatomical Record 2002, 269, 257-265.
2. Zhang-Hee Cho, "New Findings of the Correlation between Acupoints and Corresponding Brain Cortices Using Functional MRI," Proceedings of the National Academy of Science 1998, 95, 2670-2673.
3. Klaus-Peter Schlebusch, Walburg Maric-Oehler, and Fritz-Albert Popp, "Biophotonics in the Infrared Spectral Range Reveal Acupuncture Meridian Structure of the Body," Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine 2005, 11(1), 171 - 173.
4. Andrew C. Ahn, Junru Wu, Gary J. Badger, Richard Hammerschlag, and Helene M. Langevin, "Electrical Impedance along Connective Tissue Planes Associated with Acupuncture Meridians," Complementary and Alternative Medicine 2005, 5, 10.
5. Joie P. Jones and Young K. Bae, "Ultrasonic Visualization and Stimulation of Classical Oriental Acupuncture Points," Medical Acupuncture 2004, 15(2), 24-26.
6. Z. Yan, Y. Chi, P. Cheng, J. Wang, Q. Shu, and G. Huang, "Studies on the Luminescence of Channels in Rats," Journal of Traditional Chinese Medicine 1992, 4, 283-287.
7. P. Wang, X. Hu, and B. Wu, "Displaying of the Infrared Radiant Track Long Meridians on the Back of the Human Body" [in Chinese], Chen Tzu Yen Chiu Acupuncture Research 1993, 18(2), 90-93.
8. X. L. Hu, ed., Modern Scientific Research in Acupuncture Channels and Collaterals in Traditional Chinese Medicine [in Chinese] (Beijing: People's Hygiene Publishing House, 1990).
9. Bruce D. Curtis and J. J. Hurtak, "Consciousness and Quantum Information Processing: Uncovering the Foundation for a Medicine of Light," Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine 2004, 10(1), 27-39.
10. Ibid., p. 33.
11. Ibid., p. 34.
12. See discussion of Harold Burr's pioneering work at Yale in Chapter 2, p. 72.
13. Hiroshi Motoyama, Measurements of Ki Energy, Diagnosis and Treatments (Encinitas, CA: California Institute for Human Science, 1997).
14. Z. Yan et al., "Studies on the Luminescence of Channels in Rats."
15. Reported in Richard Gerber, Vibrational Medicine, rev. ed. (Santa Fe, NM: Bear, 1996), p. 187.
16. John Thie and Matthew Thie, Touch for Health, rev. ed. (Marina del Rey, CA: DeVorss & Co., 2005).
17. Because the traditional triple warmer alarm point is also a powerful treatment point (called the dantien), it is not reliable when used in the alarm point test. But you can test triple warmer by laying your fingers on its neurovascular points. One is at the base of the throat, as indicated in the text. The other is at the temples just outside the eyebrows.
18. If energy is stuck in the root chakra, this test will not be reliable. An alternative point is in the middle of the gluteus maximus muscle.

J. Rick Leskowitz, "Energy Medicine 101: Subtle Anatomy and Physiology," Integrative Medicine 2006, 5(4), 30-34.
2. Harry Oldficld, "The Human Energy Field and the Invisible Universe," presented at the 16th Annual Conference of the International Society for the Study of Subtle Energies and Energy Medicine, Boulder, Colorado, June 24, 2006.
3. Valerie Hunt, "Electronic Evidence of Auras, Chakras in UCLA study," Brain/Mind Bulletin 1978, 3(9), 1-2.
4. Richard H. Lee, "Quantifying Subtle Energies through Physical Vibration," presented at the 16th Annual Conference of the International Society for the Study of Subtle Energies and Energy Medicine, Boulder, Colorado, June 23, 2006.
5. Oldfield, "The Human Energy Field and the Invisible Universe."
6. Hiroshi Motoyama and R. Brown, Science and the Evolution of Consciousness: Chakras, Ki, and Psi (Brookline, MA: Autumn Press, 1978).
7. Donna Eden, Life Colors (2-CD set), 2006, available from www.innersource.net.
8. Glen Rein, Mike Atkinson, and Rollin McCraty, "The Physiological and Psychological Effects of Compassion and Anger," Journal of Advancement in Medicine 1995, 8(2), 87-105.
9. Stanislav Grof and Christina Grof, Spiritual Emergency: When Personal Transformation Becomes a Crisis (Los Angeles: Tarcher, 1989).
10. Instructions for doing this, along with a cut-glass crystal, are part of the Energy Medicine Kit available through www.innersource.net.
11. This holds for all men and all women. While we are all mixtures of yin and yang energies, everyone with a male body is more yang and everyone with a female body is more yin. Meanwhile, energy spiraling up from the earth is yin, and it spirals counterclockwise. Energy spiraling down irom the heavens is yang, and it spirals clockwise. You end the chakra balancing at a man's crown chakra with counterclockwise spirals because this calls more yin energies up to meet and balance the yang energies coming down from the heavens. You end the chakra balancing at a woman's crown chakra with clockwise spirals because this calls more yang energy down from the heavens to meet and balance the yin energies coming up from the earth.

1. See discussion in David Feinstein and Donna Eden, "Six Pillars of Energy Medicine," Alternative Therapies in Health and Medicine 2007, 14, 44-54. Available online from www.EnergyMedicinePrinciples.com.
2. William Collinge, Subtle Energy (New York: Warner Books, 1998).
3. Beverly Rubik, "The Biofield Hypothesis: Its Biophysical Basis and Role in Medicine," Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine 2002 (8), 703-717.
4. Valerie Hunt, Infinite Mind: Tlie Science of Human Vibrations (Malibu, CA: Malibu, 1995).
5. Dorothy Huntley Gundling, "Electrophysical and Psychotronic Correlates of Music," Ph.D. dissertation, Saybrook Institute, San Francisco, 1977.
6. Dorothy Huntley Gundling, personal communication, February 5, 1998.
7. Reported in William Collinge, Subtle Energy (New York: Warner Books, 1998), p. 28.
8. William G. Braud, "Human Interconnectedness: Research Indications," ReVision 14 (1992), 140-148.
9. Donna Eden, "Tibetan Energy Ring and the Celtic Weave," 2007, available online from www.HandoutBank.org.
10. Educational applications of these methods arc known as "Brain Gym." For further information, visit www.braingym.com and www.braingym.org. 1 I. Martin E. P. Seligman, Learned Optimism (NewYork: Simon & Schuster, 1990).

1. Diane M. Connelly, Traditional Acupuncture: The Law of the Five Elements, 3rd ed. (Columbia, MD: Center for Traditional Acupuncture, 1987), p. 11.
2. This section is particularly indebted to Nancy Post's insights and training materials, "Systems Energetics" (616 West Upsal Street, Philadelphia, PA 19119).
3. A superb audiotape course that teaches about meeting pain with loving-kindness is Stephen and Ondrea Levine's "To Love and Be Loved: The Difficult Yoga of Relationships" (Boulder, CO: Sounds True, 1997).
4. Gordon Stokes, Without Stress, Children Can Learn (Burbank, CA: Three in One Concepts, 1996).

1. Angelika Buske-Kirschbaum, Clemens Kirschbaum, Helmuth Stierlc, Hcndrick Lehn-ert, and Dirk Hellhammer, "Conditioned Increase of Natural Killer Cell Activity in Humans," Psychosomatic Medicine 54 (1992), 123-132.
2. Glen Rein, Mike Atkinson, and Rollin McCraty, "The Physiological and Psychological Effects of Compassion and Anger," Journal of Advancement in Medicine 1995, 8(2), 87-105.
3. Herbert Benson, Beyond the Relaxation Response (New York: limes Books, 1984).
4. Anne Manyande, Simon Berg, Doreen Gettins, and S. Clare Stanford, "Preoperative Rehearsal of Active Coping Imagery Influences Subjective and Hormonal Responses to Abdominal Surgery," Psychosomatic Medicine 1995, 57(2), 177-182.
5. Colin Wilson, Beyond the Occilt: A Twenty-Year Investigation into the Paranormal (New York: Carroll and Graf, 1988), pp. 66-68.
6. Candace Pert, Molecules of Emotion: Why You Feel the Way You Feel (New York: Scribncr, 1997).
7. Norman Cousins, Anatomy of an Illness as Perceived by the Patient (New York: Bantam, 1991 ).
8. Martin E. P. Seligman, Learned Optimism (New York: Simon & Schuster, 1990), pp. 172-178.
9. David McClelland and C. Kirshnit, "The Effect of Motivational Arousal Through Films on Salivary Immunoglobulin," Psychology and Health 2 (1988), 31-52.
10. R. A. Martin and J. P. Dobbin, "Sense of Humor, Hassles, and Immunoglobulin A: Evidence for a Stress-Moderating Effect," International Journal of Psychiatry in Medicine 18 (1988), 93-105.

1. D. Spiegel, J. R. Bloom, H. C. Kraemer, and E. Gottheil, "Effects of Psychosocial Treatment on Survival of Patients with Metastatic Breast Cancer," The Lancet 1989 (2), 888-891.
2. Daniel P. Wirth, "The Effect of Non-Contact Therapeutic Touch on the Healing Rate of Full-Thickness Dermal Wounds," Subtle Energies 1990, 1(1), 1-20.
3. William Collinge, Subtle Energy (New York: Warner Books, 1998), pp. 30-31.
4. Brian H. Butler, Your Breasts: What Ever Woman Needs to Know Now (Surbiton: T.A.S.K. Books, P.O.B. 359A, Surbiton, Surrey, England KT5 8YP, 1995).
5. The Leapfrog Group, "Eighty-Seven Percent of U.S. Hospitals Do Not Take Recommended Steps to Prevent Avoidable Infections," September 10, 2007, available online: www.leapfroggroup.org/media/filc/Leapfrog_hospital_acqu ired_infections_release.pdf.
6. A useful book for mobilizing the mind to assist prior to and following surgery is Peggy Huddleston's Prepare for Surgery, Heal Faster: A Guide of Mind-Body Techniques, 2nd ed. (Cambridge, MA: Angel River Press, 2006).

1. World Health Organization (2002), Acupuncture: Review and Analysis of Reports on Controlled Clinical Trials, Geneva: World Health Organization.
2. Acupuncture: NIH Consensus Statement (Washington, D.C.: National Institutes of Health, 1997).
3. Reported in William Collinge, The American Holistic Health Association Complete Guide to Alternative Medicine (New York: Warner Books, 1996), p. 31.
4. This discussion draws from the report Pain Management, Washington, D.C.: Office of Scientific and Health Research, National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke, National Institutes of Health, 1997.
5. David Bresler, cited in Gordon Stokes and Daniel Whiteside, Structural Neurology (Bur-bank, CA: Three in One Concepts, 1989), p. 29.
6. Susan M. Wright, "Validity of the Human Field Assessment Form," Western Journal of Nursing Research 1991, 13(5), 635-647.

1. Robert O. Becker, Cross Currents: Tlie Promise of Electromedicine, The Perils of Electro-pollution (Los Angeles, Tarcher, 1990), pp. 173-188.
2. K. Nakagawa, "Magnetic Field Deficiency Syndrome and Magnetic Treatment," Japanese Medical Journal, no. 2745, December 4, 1976.
3. Reported in William Collinge, Subtle Energy (New York: Warner Books, 1998), p. 74.
4. Becker, Cross Currents.
5. Marcia Marinaga, "Giving Personal Magnetism a Whole New Meaning," Science 256 (1992), p. 967.
6. Committee on the Possible Effects of Electromagnetic Fields on Biologic Systems, National Research Council, Possible Health Effects of Exposure to Residential Electric and Magnetic Fields (Washington, D.C.: National Academy Press, 1996).
7. "Cancer Near Power Lines," Microwave News, November/December 1996, 16(6), 1.
8. "Summary and Conclusions of EPA's EMF Cancer Report," Microwave News, May/June 1996, 16(3), 3.
9. Sherrill Sellman, "Hormones, Breast Cancer, EMFs, Cellphones," Total Health, April/ May 2006, 28(1), 24-25.
10. Ibid., p. 24.
11. Ibid.
12. National Institute of Environmental Health Science of the National Institutes of Health, "EMF: Electric and Magnetic Fields Associated with the Use of Electric Power" (2002), available online at www.niehs.nih.gov/health/topics/agents/emf/docs/emf2002.pdf.
13. John Zimmerman and Dag Hinrichs, "Magnetotherapy: An Introduction," Newsletter of the Bio-Electro-Magnetics Institute, 1995, 4(1), 3-6.
14. John Zimmerman, Bio-Electro-Magnetics Institute, 2490 West Moana Lane, Reno, NV 89509.
15. John Zimmerman, "Laying-on-of-Hands Healing and Therapeutic Touch: A Testable Theory," Newsletter of the Bio-Electro-Magnetics Institute 1990, 2(1), 8-17.
16. Becker, Cross Currents, p. 42.
17. Carlos Vallbona, Carlton F. Hazclwood, and Gabor Jurida, "Response of Pain to Static Magnetic Fields in Postpolio Patients: A Double-Blind Pilot Study," Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation 1997 (78), 1200-1203.
18. International Council of Magnetic Therapists, P.O.B. 72, Inglewood, 6052, West Australia.
19. Sarada Subrahmanyam, "Pulsed Magnetic Field Therapy," in T. M. Srinivasan, ed., Energy Medicine Around the World (Phoenix, AZ: Gabriel Press, 1988), pp. 191-203.
20. Many of the dilemmas involved in crises involving a difficult or unanticipated "kundalini opening" are addressed in Stanislav and Christina Grof's anthology, Spiritual Emergency: When Personal Transformation Becomes a Crisis (Los Angeles: Tarcher, 1989).
21. The most complete report of the vivaxis with which 1 am familiar is Judy Jacka's Healing through Earth Energies (Port Melbourne, Australia: Lothian Books, 1996). There is also a Vivaxis Energies Research International Society in Vancouver, Canada.
22. Bernard Grad, "Some Biological Effects of Laying on of Hands and Their Implications," in Herbert T. Otto, ed., Dimensions of Holistic Healing: New Frontiers in the Treatment of the Whole Person (Chicago: Nelson-Hall, 1979), pp. 199-212.

1. Rupert Sheldrake, The Presence of the Past: Morphic Resonance and the Habits of Nature (New York: Random House, 1988).
2. Lynne McTaggart, The Field: Tlie Question for the Secret Force of the Universe (London: HarperCollins, 2001).
3. Sheldrake, Presence of the Past, p. 158.
4. Harold S. Burr, The Fields of Life (New York: Ballantine, 1972).
5. Robert O. Becker, Cross Currents: Tlie Promise of Electromedicine, The Perils of Elec-tropollution (Los Angeles: Tarcher, 1990), p. 57.
6. Along with seven concentric bands that roughly correspond with the seven chakras, discussed in Chapter 6, the aura also has seven nested energy fields. Some of these are described in indigenous healing traditions. I call them, starting with the innermost: the etheric field, the protective field, the mental/emotional field, the morphogenic field, the celestial field, the Celtic weave (which also permeates the body), and the life color. I describe this in greater detail in a paper called "The Human Aura," available as a free download from our Energy Medicine Handout Bank (www.FIandoutBank.org).
7. Lile colors are described on an audio CD set available at www.innersource.net.
8. S. Ertel, "Testing Sheldrake's Claim of Morphogenetic Fields," in E. W. Cook and D. L. Delanoy, eds., Research in Parapsychology 1991: Abstracts and Papers from the Thirty-fourth Annual Convention of the Parapsychological Association (Metuchen, NJ: Scarecrow Press, 1994), 169-192.
9. David Feinstein provides a more detailed discussion of the relationship between morphic fields and quantum mechanics in "At Play in the Fields of the Mind: Personal Myths as Fields of Information," Journal of Humanistic Psychology 1998, 38(3), 71-109.
10. William G. Braud, "Distant Mental Influence of Rate of Hemolysis of Human Red Blood Cells," Journal of the American Society for Psychical Research 1990 (84), 1-24.
11. D. P. Wirth and J. R. Cram, "The Psychophysiology of Non-Traditional Prayer," Proceedings of the International Society for the Study of Subtle Energies and Energy Medicine, Fifth Annual Conference, Boulder, Colorado, p. 20.
12. Dan J. Benor, Healing Research: Holistic Energy Medicine and Spiritual Healing (Munich: Helix, 1993).
13. Herbert Benson et al., "Study of the Therapeutic Effects of Intercessory Prayer (STEP) in Cardiac Bypass Patients: A Multicenter Randomized Trial of Uncertainty and Certainty of Receiving Intercessory Prayer," American Heart Journal 2006, 151(4), 934-942.
14. Herbert Benson, The Relaxation Response (New York: Harper, 2000).
15. Joan Borysenko, Minding the Body, Mending the Mind (New York: Bantam, 1988).
16. Dean Radin, Tlie Conscious Universe: The Scientific Truth Behind Psychic Phenomena (San Francisco: HarperCollins, 1997).
17. Larry Dossey, Healing Words: Hie Power of Prayer and the Practice of Medicine (San Francisco: HarperCollins, 1995).
1 8. Sheldrake, Presence of the Past, 1988.
19. Francine Shapiro and Margot Silk Forrest, E.M.D.R.: The Breakthrough Therapy for Overcoming Anxiety, Stress, and Trauma (New York: HarperCollins, 1997).
20. The Temporal Tap is described in greater detail in David S. Walther, Applied Kinesiology, vol. 1: Basic Procedures and Muscle Testing (Pueblo, CO: Systems DC, 1981), pp. 109-114.
21. Nancy Mellon, Body Eloquence: Tlie Power of Myth and Story to Awaken the Body's Energies (Santa Rosa, CA: Energy Psychology Press, 2008).
22. William F. Whisenant, Psychological Kinesiology: Changing the Body's Beliefs (Kailua, HI: Monarch Butterfly Productions, 1994).

1. Cited in Joel Martin and Patricia Romanowski, We Don't Die: George Anderson's Conversations with the Other Side (New York: Putnam, 1988), pp. 279-280.
2. Helen Keller, Light in My Darkness (West Chester, PA: Chrysalis Books, 1994), p. 160.
3. Nancy Gibbs, "Angels Among Us," Time, December 27, 1993, pp. 56-65.
4. R. W. Hood, "Differentia] Triggering of Mystical Experience as a Function of Self-Actualization," Review of Religious Research 1974 (18), 264-270; N. P. Spanos and P. Moretti, "Correlates of Mystical and Diabolical Experiences in a Sample of Female University Students," Journal of the Scientific Study of Religion 1988 (27), 105-1 16.
5. Ian Stevenson, Children Who Remember Previous Lives (Charlottesville: University Press of Virginia), 1987.
6. Ian Stevenson's Reincarnation and Biology, 2 vols. (Westport, CT: Praeger, 1997), is a 2,268-page study that presents detailed evidence of birthmarks that correspond with past life memories. It is summarized in a 203-page book by the same author, Where Reincarnation and Biology Intersect: A Synopsis (Westport, CT: Praeger, 1997).
7. See Stevenson, above.
8. Carl Schlotterbeek, Living Your Past Lives: The Psychology of Past Life Regression (New York: Ballantine, 1991); Roger J. Woolger, Other Lives, Other Selves: A Jnngian Psychotherapist Discovers Past Lives (New York: Bantam, 1985).
9. James Van Praagh, Talking to Heaven: A Medium's Message of Life after Death (New York: Dutton, 1997); Joel Martin and Patricia Romanowski, We Don't Die: George Anderson's Conversations with the Other Side (New York: Putnam, 1988).

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