crazy: ashley
pretty :taylor & emily
sweet: alot of them
loyal: idk what loyal means, i forgot
trusting: emily
ugly: no comment=\
hyper: ashley
slutty: none
friendly: becky
mean: everyone is like mean sometimes
bitchy: all of my friends are.. its a girl thing ♥
loud: Krista.. haha liane
quiet: devin is wicked shy!
shy: devin
skinny: christy, emily, ash.. alot more
fat: none
dumb: amanda is a dumb blonde
annoying: everyone is annoying. lol..
weird: korie is wicked weired
GiRLS ;;
best smile: idk liane
friendliest: liane, krista, alli, alexa n
most likely to succeed: Carley J.
class clown: like noone?..
most popular: .liane or emily
prettiest: LIane or emily lol..
meanest: .. no comment
most likely to not succeed: amanda=\ lol
best smile: MIke l =)
friendliest: anthony M
most likely to succeed: james shane dan P.
class clown: james b
most popular: james c?.
handsomest: MIKE l"..
meanest: um..
most likely to not succeed: moe
1. gum: razzels
2. restaurant: 99
3. drink: water
4. season: summer def.
7. thing to do on a half day: walk to the centerrr
8. late-night activity: movies, chill with my girls, or go online! lol..
9. sport: basketball
10. city: new york
11. store: aeropostale, eblens
_______When was the last time you_______
12. when was the last time you cried: today =\
13. played a sport: today i went iceskating.. thats a sport! lol
14. laughed: 1030 when whos line is it anyway was on
15. hugged someone: yesterday
16. felt depressed: earlier today when i was fighting with my homeslice
17. felt overworked: idk.
19. faked sick: like a long time ago
20. lied: not for a whileee..
_______What was the last_______
21. word you said: bye dave
22. thing you ate: pretzle
23. song you listened to: hate it or love it
24. thing you drank: water
25. place you went to: cyr arena
26. movie you saw: mr deeds
27. movie you rented? dont remember
_______Who was the last person you______
28. hugged: jake d
29. cried over: idk
31. danced with: weston
32. shared a secret with: korie&my brother.. dont ask
33. had a sleepover with: liane,ang,krista,tami,d,and who ever else was at lianes party! lol
34. called: korie
35. went to a movie with: Ant m*,nicole,shaun.. that was a really long time ago
36. What happened to number 36? umm i dont get it..
37. were angry with: ant m.. but its all good
38. couldn't take your eyes off: :) sOs.
39. obsessed over: <3 someone.. =)
_______Have you ever_______
40. danced in the rain: yupp
41. kissed someone: nah
42. done drugs: nooo
43. drank alcohol: yep
44. partied 'til the sun came up: ha dont think so
45. had a movie marathon: yah when im sick
46. gone too far on a dare: no
47. spun until you were immensely dizzy: haha yehh
48. taken a survey quite like this before: yep
_______My life_______
49. name: samm
50. gender: girl
51. birthday: feb 17th
52. relationship status: single..
53. nationality: italian,french, and a lot of other things.. mostly italian.
54. ccupation: school =\
55. i'm feeling: really really tired
56. i'm listening to: f i f t y c e n t a n d g a m e
57. i'm doing: this survey? its really long
58. i'm talking to: nobody cuz im not even online! haha
59. i'm craving: water
60. i'm thinking of: ant m
61. i'm hating: noone really lol
62. love is: fucken awsome..
63. my first love: my real love was mike lefebvre
64. my current love: noone, but i like someone?..
65. love or lust: love
66. best love song: dangerously in love, or so into you
67. is it possible to be in love w/ more than one person at the same time: ya
68. when love hurts: .....? lol it hurts.?
69. is there such thing as love @ first sight?: yeh
_______Opposite sex_______
70. turn-ons: eyes, smile, hair, clothes!! good at bball
71. turn-offs: geeky, ugly, smelly, suck at bball
72. do your parent's opinion on your gf/bf matter to you?: um no
73. what kinda hairstyle are you into?: not to short but not to long?
74. what is the sweetest thing a girl/guy can do for you?: say ilove you and buy you stuff
75. where do you go to meet new people: mall..!
76. are you the type of person to Holla and ask for numbers: not really.. unless there really hot
_______Picky picky_______
77. dog or cat: dog
78. short or long hair: medium
79. sunshine or rain: sunshine
80. hugs or kisses: both<3
81. summer or winter: summer
82. written letters or e-mails: written letters or nintendo: ps
84. car or motorcycle: car
85. house party or club: hosue
86. sing or dance: dance
87. freak or slow dance: slow dance <3