Hidarime Tantei EYE - capspam part 2

Oct 14, 2009 19:09

» PART 1«

Srsly didn't see this coming.

I loved the ending. I was sooo surprised, I seriously had no idea. The final staring between brothers was awesome too XD

I loved the whole SP in general, too. The story was really good, unpredictable and exciting, and also funny at times. Yamada is amazing, and his acting just improves all the time. All the sad scenes were just great! And he was punched so. many. times. For some reason I liked that XD *mean*

And Ishihara Satomi!! So cute! That character was great, I wasn't sure if she was totally over the top or not but in the end I just couldn't help loving her XD Also, what I liked was that she wasn't one of those Gokusen-style teachers who do anything for their students just for the heck of it, but actually she was kinda hoping to get some money for her debts lolol.

That rumour about the SP becoming a whole drama has been around for a while, and judging from the ending it's very much possible. I would love that, although it would be nice to see a full drama from Yamada where he's something else than a detective for a while XD But whatever happens, as long as there's Yamada, I'm happy.

! picspam

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