Uh...Merry Christmas everyone.
[Locked to Van and Mary]
Even though you...aren't my real parents, you still treat me like your son and...for that I'm very grateful. Thank you.
[To Van: Lobomon's Licht Seiger]
[To Mary: Lobomon's Scarf]
[Locked to Guy, Noelle, Anise, Ion, Tora and Nadie]
Uncle Guy, Miss Noelle: Thank you for letting my parents I stay with you until the snow melts - and thank you for giving my father a chance. Fon Master: ...I never knew the truth before. Thank you for...telling me. Miss Anise, I don't think I've ever actually...talked to you, but...I wanted to send you something as well. Tora, thanks for being my friend. ...Even after I was...a jerk during that virus. Oh, and Nadie? Uh. Well, I don't know your mother's D-Comm signature, so...could you give this to her from me? Please?
[To Nadie: A long, pink scarf. To the others, gifts left to the imagination. Because the mun has too many gifts to figure out.]
[Locked to Luke]
...Sir Luke. I know you...don't think very highly of me, especially with the...bad foot we got off to, but...H-happy Birthday Your Highn...sir.
[Attached: Longsword]
[Locked to Rhea]
Rh-Rhea...I'm no good with the...romantic-mushy talk stuff, but...even though I want so much to go home and find out what's happening...I don't think I could bare to leave you. You're...I think I was supposed to meet you. It was...fate.
A-ah, now this is awkward. I really care for you, Rhea. A whole lot.
[Attached: Nefertimon's Nile Jewelry Cuffs]