For Once 1

Jan 28, 2015 15:24

Title: For Once
Rating: Haven't been informed about how to rate yet but it's harmless.. after chapter 23 it might get a bit of action into it...and uhh violence? We'll see.
Pairing: MirAndy! What else.
Summary: bsofthewest called my style “Haiku” like the Japanese poems. Actually I only had the first chapter written after hearing a song I liked.. and had been inspired. Then it turned into more and now our two favorite ladies are dancing around eachother.. getting separated by circumstances I won't tell yet ;)
Disclaimer: Though not mentioning any names we all know about who this is. Neither the characters nor the concept of “The Devil Wears Prada” belong to me but the one and only Lauren Weisberger.
A/N: There is no beta I could thank so all mistakes are mine and please forgive me for any confusion. Every second chapter is written out of Andrea's view the others from Miranda. Well this is all you need to know...

For Once

I sit next to you at my rooftop. Candles burning.
We smoked a lot in this humid summer night.
I am confused and drunk.
This wouldn't end good. Too much trouble.
You are amazingly beautiful... and I long to touch you but I know it would be wrong.

Maybe in an other life, at an other time.
Whatever this connection is made of, at dawn it's going to be over.

I love the thought of running away with you.
Defining our own terms of luck.

But stars are hiding the truth and you can't see the real me.
You need someone to be there forever and hold you. I can't.

Maybe in an other life, at an other time.
Whatever this connection is made of, at dawn it's going to be over.

Please don't cry now, I am not what you are searching for.

And when you get up and say goodnight I shiver and smile sadly, knowing our moment is over.

Chapter 2:

andrea, mirandy, for once, miranda

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