Simply Betrayal (One Piece, Usopp, #1)

Nov 27, 2006 16:31

Title: Simply Betrayal
Author: cuethe_pulse
Character: Usopp (one-sided Usopp x Nami, Nami x Sanji)
Fandom: One Piece
Theme: #1 - betrayal 
Disclaimer: One Piece and its characters do not belong to me.

After taking the Going Merry and leaving them behind on the Baratie, Nami had never betrayed them again. Sometimes, she worried Usopp with her hunger for money - he was always relieved when he realized she was-simply-joking. He knew that she wouldn’t do anything, not again, that would possibly destroy the crew.

That was why he was so surprised when she finally gave in to their cook’s romantic advances. No one else thought it was a big deal, so he didn’t say anything about it. But inside he was shouting, shouting why would you-and how did you not see-and if you had known, then would you still- He was dying inside with indecision, because part of him knew that-yes-had she known how he felt for her, then-no-she wouldn’t have kissed Sanji, or done anything else that even fell into the category of kissing Sanji. He knew she wouldn’t, not because she felt the same way-gods forbid-but just because it would have hurt him. It would have horribly, horribly hurt him.  It would be like she was turning against him, choosing the love of one crewmate over another. It would be betrayal.

All he had to do was tell her. And a large part of him wanted to, wanted to just take her by the shoulders and say, I love you and I have to watch this, do you understand? But he didn’t and he wouldn’t. Because she was happy-simply-with Sanji. And Sanji was happy-deliriously-with her. And if he told her how he felt, they would lose that happiness. If he told her-listen, I’m miserable-it would be-simply-betrayal.

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