Play the question game! (At long last), following are my responses to
Joel's five personalized questions. (I believe this was started by that girl who was on american idol.) Ask me for questions, too! It's only fair after reading about the inner workings of my mind.
Read on, you know you want to...
lj cut because it's long )
Comments 6
ok ask me!
2. What effect did music have on you as a young child? Do you remember the first time you heard what you would call 'music'?
3. If you had your own planet, what would it be like?
4. What do you think are essential elements in early childhood education? OR, how would you have liked your early education to have been different? What was good about it? What was lacking? That's a lot of question, right there...answer whichever part you like.
5. What is your most prized possession and why?
2. What stage of your life included the most dramatic personal change or growth?
3. Does God talk to you? What does He say?
4. What are your thoughts on virtual reality?
5. Describe your ideal living space/situation.
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