Title: Of blacks and whites
Pairing: Yunho/Jaejoong
heartlit_fateRating: PG
Genre: Angst, Romance, Drama
Length: Drabble (353 words)
Summary: Jaejoong misses Yunho
A/N: I just needed some emo!Jae and fierce!Yun to lift up my spirits therefore it resulted to this drabble. Enjoy! Comments are always appreciated.
Empty walls of the room; rapid beat of the heart.
As the continuous falling of raindrops danced outside this polygon glass that separated us;
“Leave.” I feel your threatening stare take me as a whole, your weirdly-cut nails crawling, pressing onto my shoulder, your hands working their way to the abyss of my inner system, shaking me out of my distant feel. “Go away, Jaejoong.”
I struggle as I sip my cup of coffee, feeling the scent of caffeine slowly engulfing my senses
too many memories, all of it not easily forgotten.
The stupidest thing to do is to try to forget someone you don't want to forget.
“Why do you want me to leave?” I ask you, tears falling from my eyes but you just turned around, shrugged your shoulders and walked away.
I was left there, by myself, rained upon by the Gods and laughed upon by the leaves, them finding their places in the shelter and protective care of the tree, of the trunk holding them together - but here I am, lost, without my tree.
I would rather not call my pity little self, stupid. I'd rather be called someone who does not know his direction in life thus he lacks proper use of that little pink thing biologist's call the brain.
Raindrops were starting to lighten across my wide and spacy patio, but I considered everything dull.
And here I am, sitting as I think of images of you, images of us.
Those images of how it used to be.
I'd rather not sink myself deeper into the temptation of the liquor peeking in my cooler.
I was better than this.
But a shot won't hurt right?
One shot became two until I lost count of how many I took.
Rain stopped but the hurting in my left chest didn't.
The surroundings, as I looked at them through the windows of my eyes, were black and white;
Everything was black and white, like some old movie back in the era of my ancestors.
Or did they even know the television before?
Life is dull; I tell myself over and over again.
I wish you were here to color my world.
I miss you, Yunho.
So much.