22:20:32: @ onepowerpete *just watches you for a while, then starts packing up* So is everything ok with you?
22:28:58: @ onepowerpete *nods* Good, I was wondering how things were going over here. *sits on the bed* Far. We should probably head as far as we can.
22:35:35: @ onepowerpete *looks at you, then looks down* I don't really want to talk about it. I'm just saying we should go far.
23:02:44: @ onepowerpete *picks up my bag, hoisting it over my shoulder* I got a new one while I was away. *takes your hand and teleports*
23:11:43: @ onepowerpete *looks around, still holding on to you* A few days ago.
23:22:27: @ onepowerpete We're in California. For now. We can go further if you want.
23:30:00: @ onepowerpete We can move along the coast, take it all in. I've always wanted to go to Seattle. *heads to a store* We need to find a place-
23:30:18: @ onepowerpete to stay and get some supplies. We'll be fine with money. I got a power for that, too.
23:35:17: @ onepowerpete Yes, well, I needed to be. I'm not just going to wait around for things to happen.
23:41:02: @ onepowerpete *gets a map, opening it up* We can stay anywhere we want.
23:45:34: @ onepowerpete *glances at you, then moves the map so you can see* This is where we are now. *points on the map*