the Akagi movies: we play mahjong in warehouses

Sep 05, 2019 00:01

Back before the anime was made, there were live-action movies. Two hilariously low-budget, direct-to-video releases made back in the nineties. Luckily for us, their glory has been forever preserved on Niconico videos for our viewing pleasure. Poke me enough and I'll eventually make a how-to-register thing for that. Oh here is a guide.

闘牌伝アカギ (BabelFish offers "Fighting 牌 Transmission Akagi" as a translation. thx, BabelFish)

Focuses on Akagi's first night as a mahjong legend.
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4

NOTABLE THINGS: WOMEN?!?!?!??!, Pimp Daddy Ryuuzaki and his gang of fashion mavericks, sweaty hobo Nangou-san, the filthiest mahjong parlor ever, Akagi the perpetually sleepy giant, PARTIAL NUDITY OMG, misogyny, I'm Akagi Shigeru--17 years old! (oi oi), random scene in a train yard, fun with graphics programs!, srs bzns Yagi-san (feat. Christopher Walken), s-stomach rubbing, THERE IS NO LAUGHING EVER, spotlight fever, so much violence, Yasuoka-san and Nangou-san's ~*private time*~, so so much violence (ver. train yard), やらないか?

雀魔アカギ (Sparrow Demon Akagi? I...I don't even know)

Focuses on the Urabe arc.
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4

NOTABLE THINGS: YASUOKA ABUSE YASUOKA ABUSE IT'S NOT AWWWWWRIGHT, working in a wood factory hurr, Akagi the still perpetually sleepy giant, the budget can't afford haircuts okay, fab catty bitch Damegi, horrible fight choreography, Akagi the thoroughly uncool, adventures with the circular saw, k-kidnapping?!, Urabe the Nutty Professor (Ph.D. in droopy faces), ANGRY!!!!Ishikawa, leather tuxedos, spotlight fever redux, now with more violence than ever!, [OSAMU WHAT THE FUCK], [omg Damegi nooooo ;_>;], fab catty bitch glasses, eyefuckingroll, THE SADDEST END.

weird stuff, fkmt, ooc

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